As dar as I know the only info on editing HuDs is graphics based by Iron Eagle
I don’t know of any that cover specific on how to hex edit. That has been a self learned skill from the hex editing days long ago when I started editing back in ‘98 … I do have the Hud section on the forums on if you care to check there. I think the Iron eagle files are downloadable on FARC and maybe Raptor’s site as well…
Eagle114th wrote:
Hello CAG Hotshot,
That is neat, may i ask for the notes about editing HUD? It will save my time if I can get more information on how to edit HUD in every details. I plan on building my own libs with new HUDs.
I am currently working on new airbase texture as well fixing the 'glow white' polygonn issues. It is going well so far. I have been learning a lot working with both .HUD and .SH files while working on texture projects. It is a lot of fun.
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