One of the simplest and ugliest shapes that remained unchanged from the first generation USNF'94 until the release of the last FA compilation in 1998 is definitely SU-27.

On the other hand, one of the most modern shape is just its modernized model SU-35 with canards.

Back in 2004, Hotfrog made its first ever attempt at shape modification: just redesigned the SU-35 to SU-27 by removing the canards and then modifying the relevant parts of the aircraft. He did make his modified shape SU30MKK.LIB publicly available, but it's lost somewhere in the mists of time. The method and procedure of editing was also never made public.
CAG Hotshot, based on Hotfrog's research, further refined this conversion, but apart from two images of the resulting shape with SU-27 and SU-30, never released it publicly.
New BETA version:After 20 years since this event, let me open the doors of my Hangar 18 and present you my prototype with the designation
'SU27Bv06a4b2a_S011P014 - Final BETA.SH'.
Only the main close subshape (LOD0) is modified. There are no modified subshapes (LODs) of distant views and no damage shapes.
Shape modification includes: These are mainly changes of vertex coordinates, changes of vertex numbers in individual faces (polygons), mainly due to the need to relocate vertexes containing vertex normals.
Recalculation of centroids and normals of all edited faces.
Recalculation vertexes normals and changing their colors (for Gouraud shading).
Change colors and properties of individual faces.
Changing the coordinates of the texture segments and of course a completely new (bigger) bitmap texture '_SU35B.PIC' in the original (low) resolution of the game. Etc...
The changes are:Polygons (faces) related to the smoothing of the wing leading edge root connections to the fuselage.
For this modification I used vertices and faces from removed canards and other unnecessary (defective) polygons from the fuselage.
Modifications to the shape of the front fuselage and cockpit (mainly correcting the bad longitudinal symmetry of the original).
Modifications to the shape of the right wing (again correcting the bad symmetry of the original).
Modifications to the horizontal and vertical tail surfaces to match the SU-27 design.
Repositioning and modification of the airbrake shield shape.
A few minor adjustments to the original shape.
Note:All other visible shape imperfections are part of the original shape SU35B.SH. I did not edit this large number of defects because with each additional polygon (face) edited, the probability of a CTD increases.
Known issues:Unfortunately, after a really very long series of trial-and-error adjustments, I made a fatal error somewhere in the model that still causes CTD, and I can't find it (I assume miscalculated normals and residuals or centroids of the edited faces).
Anyway, as long as you avoid such very action-packed views over the nose of the aircraft, you can circle the camera around this BETA model for quite a long time without any problems.
OLD SU-27_S011P014 - Final BETA RELEASE:Download:Extract these 3 files to your game folder, click on Create Quick Mission and select
'Su-35 (Forest)s'.
SU-27_S011P014 - Final'NO_ART.LIB' will cause all roundels, nose-art and tail-art to be turned off for an unobstructed visual experience.
By comparing these two YAML files, for example in Total Commander, you can see the extent of the modifications made in the new shape file 'SU-27_S011P014.SH.yaml' compared to the original 'SU35B_ORG.SH.yaml':
SU-27_S011P014.SH.yaml CORRECTED - SU-27_S014P014 - Final LOD1 RC1 RELEASE:After I finally correctly determined the values of the normals (view angles) in the face (polygon) line, I revised the SU-27 shape.
By the way, during this revision I also found one faulty place and I corrected it subsequently (a minor vertex misalignment in the place of the last edits).
You will not notice these changes on the final model, but the coding of the model will be technically correct.
So, I am releasing the final version (RC1) of SU-27 for the main (near) LOD0.
Download:Extract these 3 files to your game folder, click on Create Quick Mission and select '
Su-35 (Forest)s'.
SU-27_S014P014 - Final LOD1'NO_ART.LIB' will cause all roundels, nose-art and tail-art to be turned off for an unobstructed visual experience.
By comparing these two YAML files, for example in Total Commander, you can see the extent of the modifications made in the new shape file 'SU-27_S014P014.SH.yaml' compared to the original 'SU35B_ORG.SH.yaml':
SU-27_S014P014.SH.yaml issues:After this final 'faces normals' correction, I wanted to see if CTD still occurs in the near frontal view.
Nothing has changed, still CTD.
In the end I deleted the modified SU-27 and used the original SU35B with the original texture.
I set the same close frontal / lower rear view and... instant CTD as well.
That means the bug is already in the original SU35B.SH shape included in the FA installation.
These two views in most cases lead to CTD for both the original and the new shape:

Conclusion -> The new SU-27 without canards is as (un)stable as the original SU-35 with canards.With this, I consider the whole rebuild successfully resolved and all my editing procedures are technically correct.Enjoy…
Plurry from Hangar 18