Zephyr Net

SAM stuff again
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Author:  NVA der DDR [ Mon Jun 09, 2003 15:55 pm ]
Post subject:  SAM stuff again

Ok. I'm looking at the S-125 right now. Along with the launchers on the site there is the P-15 (Flat Face) or P-15M (Squat Eye) surveillance/target acquisition radar, and the Low Blow fire control radar.

I take it for a site kill, the Low Blow would have to be taken out; the P-15 could/would continue to track targets, but the missiles would not fire cuz there's no fire control radar.

So, what I would have to do is have the Low Blow have the hardpoints for the missiles, with P-15 and launchers as scenery objects. Right? Or am I missing something?

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Mon Jun 09, 2003 16:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SAM stuff again

"By Jov I think he's got it!"

Author:  NVA der DDR [ Mon Jun 09, 2003 16:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SAM stuff again

Just one more question (I love columbo *g*):

How would I change an OT to a NT? Would it work to take a NT as a basis, and just change the ref'd SH file to the one I want? For example: using Long Track as a basis, then changing the 3D Shape reference from SA6LTR.SH to KING.SH (Tall King) work? Or is it as is so often the case with FA, Not That Simple?

Author:  NVA der DDR [ Mon Jun 09, 2003 16:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SAM stuff again

Actually, yet another question.

The S-125 missile can dive, and therefore be used against surface targets and ships. Can this be simulated in any way in FA?

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