Zephyr Net

SAM problem... they don't shoot
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Author:  Speedy [ Wed Jul 02, 2003 05:55 am ]
Post subject:  SAM problem... they don't shoot

I made some for Aerial Inferno... and range and everything is set, they're loaded onto a launcher... it tracks... tracks... and it refuses to fire. Anybody else have a problem similiar to this when creating SAMs? Should I add a radar to the SAM site itself, and if I should, how should it be set?

I'm a little out of it, please forgive me...

Author:  Centurian [ Wed Jul 02, 2003 06:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SAM problem... they don't shoot

Speedy wrote:
I made some for Aerial Inferno... and range and everything is set, they're loaded onto a launcher... it tracks... tracks... and it refuses to fire. Anybody else have a problem similiar to this when creating SAMs? Should I add a radar to the SAM site itself, and if I should, how should it be set?

I'm a little out of it, please forgive me...

Check your firing % and its best to put them all as the same number I found and ensure that they have settings that would allow them to actually launch (i.e. no minimum ceiling at 10000 feet, etc)

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Wed Jul 02, 2003 15:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SAM problem... they don't shoot

what angle do you have the missiles? It it is in excess of 22 degrees and those missiles are based on the original SA-3s, they will never fire...

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