Just a little rookie computer graphics tip if you have JASC Paint Shop Pro to all reading this, if you don't know this CAG I highly recommend it to silence any critics who have a problem with load time at the site whether it is with the main layout or anything else like galleries. With most graphics anyway you can get away with this so here we go...
Use GIFs not JPEGs or BITMAPs
• In Paint Shop Pro load your image you wish to decrease in size
• On the top menu, click "Colors" and from this drop down menu
• Click (only have to highlight with mouse to open)"Decrease Color Depth >"
• Click "256 Colors (8 bit)..."
Now here are the only things you want checked off in this menu's 3 main categories...
Palette: Optimized Octree
Reduction Method: Error Diffusion
Options: nothing seleted
After you click Okay your image will be decreased in color and therefore size. Note this method will not work with all images as some will show the dithering moreso if the colours are really crazy and advanced, but this happens rarely. Basically a prime example of how effective this method is would be in navigation buttons where you can take a button that is close to 100kb or more and take it down into single/very low double digits. By the way CAG I've yet to recieve any information regarding the VNFAWING and if there is anything I can do like look for ways to speed up the site give me a link to an existing page like
www.vnfawing.com/thescreenshots page then I should still be able to access it, just not through the main addy.