Zephyr Net

Important info if you have d/l FARC Zeta or plan to...
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Author:  Centurian [ Sun Jul 13, 2003 16:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Important info if you have d/l FARC Zeta or plan to...

FARC Zeta had some minor problems in missions 11 & 13 for single-player and I have reuploaded the mission pack with the updates. Unfortuantely WINXP wanted to be gay and made me split the mission LIB into 2 because of the *.CAM / *.TXT file clash I have come to notice with WINXP. Apparently, they cannot be in the same LIB or else CTD. Regardless those are up there. Also I uploaded the multiplayer-set of FARC Zeta, which has the exact same missions as the single-player but they are harder due to the fact that there are more MO's because it is meant for multiple human players. Check them out. Also if you complete the campaign in single-player form please read the pilots page as you can contribute your pilot stats to see who can do the best.

Thank you


Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Wed Jul 30, 2003 17:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Important info if you have d/l FARC Zeta or plan to...

Have you thought about possibly seeting up another system witn Win98 on it and use it exclusively for FA development? That is what I do and it results in a much easier solution for you...

Author:  Centurian [ Wed Jul 30, 2003 21:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Important info if you have d/l FARC Zeta or plan to...

I don't have the funds for another system. Damn Cag what'd you do respond to every post here?

Author:  Tank_77th [ Wed Jul 30, 2003 21:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Important info if you have d/l FARC Zeta or plan to...

I've got 2 hard drives, one with 98, the other one with XP. When I want do FA editing I boot up the 98 part.

Actually that dual boot system was CAG's idea. Working very well.

Author:  Centurian [ Wed Jul 30, 2003 22:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Important info if you have d/l FARC Zeta or plan to...

I org. did a dual boot with XP and 98 but it was too much of a hassle to reboot and go into 98 and this and that and blah blah blah...

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Thu Jul 31, 2003 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Important info if you have d/l FARC Zeta or plan to...

Well I am trying to get as much information out as possible on the forum, after seeing the hit rate I realized quite a few people stop in to read and very few post, so I felt that the maximum number of posts would benefit everyone across the board.

Using an old system with Win98 for FA flight and dev is well worth the investment if your main goal is stability..

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