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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 22:39 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2003 16:44 pm
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What is the best Plane for *guns only online Dogfights in FA?

For this discussion the typical *guns only, no vector, no A-10
agreed upon rules normaly used at say the HL would make a good bench mark.

My answer .....
I guess I'd have to go with the EF2000,
because of the turning circle and speed.
Knowing that in general terms each Plane in FA has another that can
exploit a weakness in that Plane Flight Model and be a match for it,
which one matches up with that one?
And which is your favorite, and why?


"cool beanz"
D. "FETCH" Jordan

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 22:58 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2003 17:50 pm
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Considering I am "apparently" top 5? 10? at most top 15? of all time at this I'd say MiG-29 Fulcrum-C. It will tear the agile Eurofighter to pieces head-on despite how hard you bounce around the skies. However in 1v1 passes (different then ur original situation) the Eurofighter can be more deadly, RedBaron was a prime example when he was last around... however with stall flips its easy to destroy a less experienced pilot, either way it all comes down to the pilot's skill. If you want to be one of the best you can't just take a big gun and start straffin clouds and you can't take a bird that only has an advantage in a turn fight. There's def. a few others unmentioned to choose from (Su-27 or even a FSX for Aggressor lol) but I'm sticking with the Fulcrum as non-vec as it would be my first choice at the moment.


PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 23:34 pm 

Joined: Sun May 18, 2003 04:05 am
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The X-29... it's got a lot of ammo and an impossibly small turn radius, though it's got no armor...

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 23:57 pm 
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One that stays aloft.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 19:28 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
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If you are talking in default FA, then NONE since it just an arcade game of unrealeastic performances.

If you are talking FA Futures, then the MiG-29S Fulcrum C with its superior low speed turns and heavy hittin cannons...

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