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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 00:12 am 

Joined: Sun May 18, 2003 04:05 am
Posts: 142
Location: Taiwan
I don't know about you guys, but I am starting to get sick of the default arcadish FA campaign style...

So what I'm planning to do for Aerial Inferno is to make the campaign a LARGE sequence of single missions, in which some of your actions may result in the campaign going well, or you having less friendlies cause too many were shot down in an aerial engagement, or the ground war going bad... it's not exactly like CAG Hotshot's "Dynamic Campaign" because I have absolutely no idea how to write anything remotely like a program.

But what I can do is suppose you have an AWAC protection mission, and it gets shot down. What "path" the campaign originally would have followed would be, say TAIWANAA01, but since the AWAC got shot down (A big incident) then your "path" would branch into TAIWANAB02...

SAMS, bridges can be destroyed and won't come back in the next mission (If you were supposed to protect them), but I can't say that I can have you destroy the entire Chinese Military with "Unlimited Ammo" and the campaign will be over, but you guys probably get my point...

Obviously the mission debrief will tell you where to go according to how well you did, I just hope my mind is clear enough to figure out all the "paths"...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 19:27 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
Posts: 4437
What you are talking about is a COOP Campaign... It has been done alot and is always welcome. Cent had a site that used to house such mission sections. I made some myself for the Flaklands and for Korea back a few years ago in some of my first lib work (sucks by my current standards) but the missions were quite realeastic... Wrench used to excel at these types of mission sets!

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