(1) Helicopter missions, AH-1W, S-70C, Sa-321b available
(2) Helicopters can call for Artillery support
(3) AWACs and some big aircraft can call for Fighter Support
(4) Much corrected Taiwan map elevation (Highest mountain originally was about 5000, should be 12000... Yikes!)
(5) Airfield Noise (Meaning when you're parked at the tarmac you can hear other planes taking off and such, but no radio traffic yet)
(6) Destroying scenery aircraft will count as an aircraft kill in the mission debrief
(7) New cockpits for F-5, F-CK-1A (Looks like AV-8B...), F-14, F/A-18, AH-1, J-11, J-10, Mirage 2000
and URLs to some new screenshots...
http://www32.brinkster.com/redbearfa/M2000HUD.jpghttp://www32.brinkster.com/redbearfa/F5HUD.jpghttp://www32.brinkster.com/redbearfa/Tainan01.jpghttp://www32.brinkster.com/redbearfa/Tainan02.jpghttp://www32.brinkster.com/redbearfa/Tainan03.jpghttp://www32.brinkster.com/redbearfa/FCK1terran.jpgIf you're lazy (Like me) just go on to the site and check out the homepage, screenshots pages...
Just something to keep you all informed (lol hope I'm not spamming here)