Zephyr Net

Maximum Release Altitude
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Author:  Centurian [ Tue Aug 12, 2003 19:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Maximum Release Altitude

I don't know if it's a rule or something with FA but I have never exceeded 25,000 feet on an AI wing that had to drop ordinance on a target, particularly smart bombs. I know that in real life they can be dropped from much higher up but what is the deal. Will AI exceed 25,000 feet and drop if it's altitude is 30,000 feet let's say? Also would the range of the weapon contribute greatly to this factor because vertical range is still range, though for free-fall bombs it doesn't matter because they fall until they hit the ground. When they say 15 miles for JDAM is it 15 miles in a straight line from the target to the plane or 15 miles at altitude? Something to consider, lemme know.

Author:  BT Ace [ Tue Aug 12, 2003 21:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Maximum Release Altitude

I believe it work both with altitude and distance. Ok so lets say you are 1 km in atlitude and distance on the ground is also 1 km.

Bare with me here.


Point A and B, right now if you were to fire a UR misslie it will not go



It will go on a down ward path from A to B


to its taget. and the range in that case is about 1.5 km. So I believe that it is the 2, Alt and Dist. combined from you target that are used to calculate the range of a weopon.

Author:  BT Ace [ Tue Aug 12, 2003 22:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Maximum Release Altitude

Ok cent i know that was crapy but here i'll send you a bmp pic i just made to better illustrate my point, I can't seem to bet it up onto the net.

Author:  Speedy [ Tue Aug 12, 2003 22:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Maximum Release Altitude

Well, it could be the Max Height, Min Height thingy in the Ordnance information... for a lot of things it's like -1375, 1375, but maybe for bombs it isn't high enough. I noticed for some SAMs the default number was only like 4 or something... maybe that's the prob?

But then again I can't get my bombers to bomb from a high altitude, they just keep going "A" and don't drop a single bomb.

Author:  BT Ace [ Tue Aug 12, 2003 22:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Maximum Release Altitude

I had the same problem, But I managed to get them to drop bombs sometimes, by butting a min altitude of 5,000 feet for the bombers and put bombs in clusters. They would drop the bombs but would circle in tight circles first for a while.

Author:  Centurian [ Wed Aug 13, 2003 01:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Maximum Release Altitude

To answer a few things.

Speedy, those -1375 and 1375 do not matter because that would mean it could drop at 1375 miles high. This is more for the seeker than the release.

BT, take a 3, 4, 5 triangle. The trajectory from Point A to Point B would be 5 because of the way it is setup. This is the way I think it matters so its basically the shortest distance between the two points that is the range.

Author:  KAPTOR [ Wed Aug 13, 2003 02:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Maximum Release Altitude

it's probly a seeker thing either the planes radar for dumb bombs or the seeker on the weapon itself. try giving the planes radar and the weapons seeker a pitch FOV of 90ยบ and see what happens. fly wing and see what the range to target is when you are at the bomb drop point and what the weps % is on the HUD.

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Wed Aug 13, 2003 14:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Maximum Release Altitude

My B-52s will carpet bomb and my Fighter bombers will laser bomb from any altitude. It was accomplished by increasing the range and altitude settings in the JT file and increasing the laser range and FOV as mentioned above...

Author:  Centurian [ Wed Aug 13, 2003 15:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Maximum Release Altitude

Ah okay...so thats why they dive bomb. Yeah my lasers are 180 and such to give them the type of full area thingy they do when the seeker head moves around. okay thanks!

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Thu Aug 14, 2003 13:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Maximum Release Altitude

Also do not forget to have the waypoint controls either medium or tight... loose control allows the AI to deive bomb or approach the target low...

Author:  Centurian [ Thu Aug 14, 2003 16:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Maximum Release Altitude

Speaking of loose, medium, and tight, can someone please fully explain them. Outryder, since you did a ton of AI work did you find anything out about this?

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Fri Aug 15, 2003 19:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Maximum Release Altitude

I did some recent testing... It seems that the Medium and tight are used to control altitude and spacing by the AI over the target and by distance the wingman attacks... If the setting is tight the AI will always fly 'welded wing' while loose will essentially default to attacking inidividual targets on its own...

I believe this was initially setup to allow high altitude bomb drops and to simulate Soviet vs US type tactics of opposing forces (at least that is how I am using it in FA Futures Campagin Manger...)

Author:  Centurian [ Fri Aug 15, 2003 19:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Maximum Release Altitude

Okay so if it's in tight formation with an altitude of let's say 40,000 and the bomb can be dropped from that height it will not dive at all?

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Fri Aug 15, 2003 19:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Maximum Release Altitude

Nope it should not dive, unless there is something else I missed...

unless the carpet bomb flag ties into this...

Author:  Centurian [ Fri Aug 15, 2003 20:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Maximum Release Altitude

As far as i know carpet bomb is only a quantity thing for AI. like if you set it to 3 then it drops 3 of them if it is checked to carpet bomb...

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