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Where can I get the source code?/now Waterbomber Lib thread
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Author:  Lister [ Fri Aug 22, 2003 19:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Where can I get the source code?/now Waterbomber Lib thread

Since the source code seems to be available now, where or how can I get it?

(In case anyones confused I renamed the thread since it changed topic)

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Mon Aug 25, 2003 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where can I get the source code?

It isnt availabe to the genral public yet. And its not the true source, it is only available in assembly code.

Interesting screenshot there... looks like he is dousing the animated flames iwth a water hose! Unique!

Author:  Lister [ Mon Aug 25, 2003 14:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where can I get the source code?

The green hose I drew in with photoshop and just pasted the flames around. But its a pic taken from the firefighting lib I started on before. The flames were vehicles that attacked structures- they would fire a weapon that I gave the running man shape, only retextured with the flame animation. By making them have weapons they could "burn" buildings and give the idea that the fire is spreading. You can tell which flames are the real missiles (not photoshopped) because they have the black smoke :wink:.

Eventually in the lib you would be able to fly a C-130 over the fire and drop fire retardent (retextured flak shape). But that much work for such a small lib wouldnt be worth it.

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Mon Aug 25, 2003 17:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where can I get the source code?

Still an interesting idea!

Author:  FlatulentFox [ Mon Aug 25, 2003 20:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Firefighting lib?

Yea, interesting indeed! :D
I for one whould sure have liked to have that lib available! Would have
been quite a new "dimension" for FA!
Eh, the C-130 as a firefighter plane is nice, but what about using one of
the Beriev with a new skin(?) to simulate a PBY-5A amphibious?
Or a CL-215 or CL-415?
Hum, being able to land on water and to "reload water"; is it possible?

Just my undervalued Canadian 2-cents.

Unusual ideas from an unusual flyer: the laws of physics do not apply to me!


Author:  Lister [ Tue Aug 26, 2003 01:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where can I get the source code?

FlatulentFox wrote:
but what about using one of
the Beriev with a new skin(?) to simulate a PBY-5A amphibious?
Or a CL-215 or CL-415?

I was planning to add these actually, I saw a show about them on them on Discovery Wings last year. And I would make the C-130 have a greater tendancy to have its "Wings ripped off" damage in FA, since C-130 water bombers have their wings fall off all the time :roll: . (Does anyone have the list that tells what each line in the .pt file edits in concern to unique damage :?: )
Hum, being able to land on water and to "reload water"; is it possible?

I suppose so with a retextured airbase....just make the airbase clear, and along the edges of the runway maybe paint or add a buoy from the small comm dish shape? Then add a "supply" next to the runway and I guess it would reload you. I might finish this lib after all :D

Author:  BT Ace [ Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where can I get the source code?/now Waterbomber Lib thr

Hum, being able to land on water and to "reload water"; is it possible?

Well it is possilbe to land on water, but the reloading would be trickier to make.
All you need to do to land is to make the aircraft VSTOL and land close to land.

Author:  KAPTOR [ Wed Aug 27, 2003 00:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where can I get the source code?/now Waterbomber Lib thr

I have all that water landing stuff in the upcoming KAPSET3 along with the A-40 Albatross, but it's for Anti-Sub work not waterbombing, have the "water" landing area with colored buoys along the side.

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Wed Aug 27, 2003 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where can I get the source code?/now Waterbomber Lib thr

You can land on water simply enough if you create an invisible runway with a zero visiblility range and an invisible texture. That way the runway never shows up but you can place it and it will give you ILS indicitations to where it is located so you can land on it.

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