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 Post subject: KAP3
PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 20:15 pm 
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just starting a KAPSET3 thread.

Kapset3 has gone into beta testing this week and my tester has suggested a number of new (ok mostly older lol) aircraft already that I may add.

I've changed some smoke effects, and have a number of sound effect changes and additions.

Today I bulit a prison compound that has shooting guardtowers and an alarm siren, should make for some interesting spec ops missions, BUT it still remains an OT scenery object.

Will also feature my version of a CAG idea, an airport water tower, THAT really should have been stock in FA cause they are everywhere.

has anybody made a Napalm bomb that they were happy with as far as explosion type?

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

 Post subject: Re: KAP3
PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 22:51 pm 
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Yeah I like the way my napalm works...it uses the cluster explosion...


 Post subject: Re: KAP3
PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 00:08 am 
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Well, the FAEs that am gonna use have small damage points, but a large damage radius and its not so bad...
What kind of speeds do you use on ASM like the Kh 29 L/T and the AGM 45 Shrike? 1026 is too slow right?

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 Post subject: Re: KAP3
PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 03:57 am 
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Kedge is kinda slow like Maverick, Shrike is in excess of Mach2

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

 Post subject: Re: KAP3
PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 12:08 pm 
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How fast is a HARM?

Also Kap, do you have an improved F-4 Phantom FM?

PS - Glad I could be of some help to you , after all the work you ahve given me! If you dont like your water tower, let me know and i will send you mine, plus do you still want the pyramid?

CAG out...

 Post subject: Re: KAP3
PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 13:44 pm 
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"Improved F-4 FM" improved over what? ALL (as far as I can recall) of the FMs in my libs are improved over stock of course, I got a partial F-4 FM envelope from Andy Bush ( you know him) and used that and built upon it. We cant know how accurate these things are untill we get a pilot to fly them for us. I believe my A-10 is EXTREMELY accurate in some areas of the lope(especially down low) because I had some friends float me the numbers. I got some good numbers from a friend over at Hill AFB for the F-16. If I have one overarching flaw in my FMs it would be that I dont penalize them as much under a full load as I should, I feel in the "you against the universe" missions that FA puts us into it would just be too difficult and frustrating in what is already an unrealistic mission.

My water tower is similar to yours but I have different bracing and I believe I colored it somewhat different ( still ALL your idea though, good call)

"HARM speed" well it isnt "HIGH SPEED anti radiation missle" for nothing right? It came AFTER Shrike and Shrike is Mach2. The HARM was designed so that you could detect a launch, fire at the launcher and kill the guidance system BEFORE the SAM got to you!! I've seen numbers as high as Mach4 stated or implied. Sparrow does Mach4 at altitude with a similar (but smaller frame, but HARM has a larger motor), I have no doubt HARMs hits around Mach4 shortly after launch if it's high up. ALARM probly comes close as well but for a shorter time. In many ways ALARM is what HARM should have been and what I hope AARGM WILL be, small effective and carriable in multiples by strike aircraft, without sacrificing the main target loadout.

Manoj, FAEs should have absolutly HUGE damage points for soft targets like trucks and regular buildings, maybee SAMs too (they arent called the "poor mans Nuke" for nothing) I would suggest (only a suggestion ) a large raddius with a low % in that radius, that way anything close to the center of the blast with go bye bye with lessening damage as you get away from the epicenter lol

Thanks for the input guys.

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

 Post subject: Re: KAP3
PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 15:01 pm 
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Kap, I am sorry, I know very little about your FMs, other then your Helos...

Would you mind sending me your A-10 and F-4 and possibly the F-5, MiG-21 and 23 if you have them? FM modelling isnt my strong point and I am not to pleased with my A-10 and F-4s/F-5s... I like my MiGs but I would like to compare them to yours.

Thanks for the info on the HARM. I need to increase the speed of mine. Its to damn slow... How long should the missile rocket burn for? Whats is burn time?


 Post subject: Re: KAP3
PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 18:38 pm 
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oooops , sorry if that sounded angry or somethin CAG no offence or umbrege intended at all.

NO idea about the burnout, but it cant be long wth THAT velocity.

Trade ya! F-4G,F-5,MiG-21 (early) and MiG-23

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

 Post subject: Re: KAP3
PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 18:41 pm 
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Okie Dokie... I will build ya a zip tonight and send it to ya tomorrow...

 Post subject: Re: KAP3
PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 02:03 am 
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still no ZIP !!

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

 Post subject: Re: KAP3
PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 11:38 am 
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I have the zip, but I held off on it because I did not have time to incorporate anything but your F-5 FM... So I have not yet had a chance to test out your F-4, MiG-21, and A-10 to see how they compare.

Also is there anything else you mihgt like to have that I could send you?

Let me know... now that FA Futures has been posted for D/L I have more time to work on stuff for you. I am also including the Pyramid and a skin to represent a fixed radar panel...

 Post subject: Re: KAP3
PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 17:22 pm 
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no, I'm fine. Did you ever get the pyramid stable ? I know it had problems with certain views and if you blew it up or crashed into it and stuff.

BTW looks like I'm gonna have a LOT more new skins in KAP3 than I figured lol, off the top of my head:
the New SU-27SM with the wild snow pattern (well close anyway)
Blue and green Buccaneer
Nam era camo for F-104
Gray A-1 Skyraider
Dark gray FG.MK1/F-4K British naval Phantom
the new Mil-28N Havoc helo with the ball shaped mast mounted RADAR
a new (for me) 2 tone gray MiG-29 (almost pretty lolol)
destroyed tower effects for the aircraft carriers

plus my "doppler" radars and new FLIRs.
the shooting prison OT
the water tower OT
the air raid siren OT
all working radars (including the mamoth Pave Paws)
re-did the radar panels on the Aegis class ships (no biggie, just looks better)

I cant believe how much stuff I'm cramming into this LIB and I STILL have room for 6 pilots and 20 or more custom missions lolol
and so far only 2 missions that are unwinable in the campaigns without cheating.

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

 Post subject: Re: KAP3
PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 18:55 pm 
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New FLIRs? Did you change the parameters of the FLIR to represent limitations of the aircraft's position? its all aspects limiters? If so I would like to discuss this with you.

BTW If you see anything in previous versions of FA Futures that are not in the current version, and you are interested in them, just ask...

CAG out...

PS - pyramid is still unstable, but I have located why. It has to do with an unaltered destroyed shape. I am working to solve that. However the crash due to certain views when flying around it are due to the actual alterations of the shape itself and probablyharder to fix still...

PLUS I have actually successfully altered the Q5 into a full delta winged bird (just an experiment, no real need) but it stretches the skin file and makes it look really weird! So I am getting closer and closer to full shape editing...

 Post subject: Re: KAP3
PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 01:02 am 
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FLIRs yeah just an aspect angle thing, nothing fancy.

Isnt the Fantan the only plane in FA with "real" pylons under the wings?

skin file weird, would it still look weird if the skin were one solid color?

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

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