Zephyr Net

Down to only 1 Bug in FA Futures... Release will be...
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Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Mon Sep 08, 2003 13:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Down to only 1 Bug in FA Futures... Release will be...

Down to only 1 Bug in FA Futures XP compatibility... I would have had it fixed along with the others, if I had not run out of time lastnight.

I expect to have it completely compatible tonight...

So my question is this...

Should I release the libraries tomorrow? Or should I hold off to release until 9/11(Thursday) as sort of way of honoring our losses on this second anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the WTC and Pentagon, through an FA expression of ongoing growth and determination...

I would appreciate any input...

CAG out...

Author:  Jimbo [ Mon Sep 08, 2003 17:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Down to only 1 Bug in FA Futures... Release will be...

I think it is your call...
Are you recognizing what the terrorist did by letting them change the way you post a modification or are you respecting the lives lost and people who have thus far aided in "recovery". Personally I believe you should release it as soon as it is ready 100%

The fact is, you can't let one date change your life, as it could have happened on any day and it isn't like you were going to consider every other date of death in world history, otherwise this lib would never be released, even on a leap year.


Author:  Centurian57_369th [ Mon Sep 08, 2003 17:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Down to only 1 Bug in FA Futures... Release will be...

My 1 last bug was the CTD from the KS-12 & 19. Boy that ticked me off but magically it went away :)

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Tue Sep 09, 2003 18:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Down to only 1 Bug in FA Futures... Release will be...

Thanks guys! I will be releasing the libraries this evening...

Once I get fnished here at the office I will upload them and reopen the vnfawing website!

THe libraries are not fully complete, but I guess this just leaves open a window for further improvements! :twisted: :twisted:

CAG out...

Author:  Centurian57_369th [ Tue Sep 09, 2003 18:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Down to only 1 Bug in FA Futures... Release will be...

E-Mail addy for 369th article?

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