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Cent, your S&S repository seems to be down, cant DL anyt
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Author:  KAPTOR [ Wed Sep 10, 2003 02:01 am ]
Post subject:  Cent, your S&S repository seems to be down, cant DL anyt

Like I said: Cent, your S&S repository seems to be down, cant DL anything

Author:  Centurian57_369th [ Wed Sep 10, 2003 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cent, your S&S repository seems to be down, cant DL

They are working for me. I see one that doesn't work which is teh Iranian F-4 but otherwise they are working for me. Could you be more specific in the error you are getting?

Author:  KAPTOR [ Wed Sep 10, 2003 17:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cent, your S&S repository seems to be down, cant DL

it's the good old "file not found on server" message

http://centurian.topcities.com/FA/SSR/H ... desert.zip
http://centurian.topcities.com/FA/SSR/C ... 17grey.zip
these are the ones I tried none work, but the screenies come in fine.
BTW I also have the new Mil-28N with the nice ball shaped mast mounted radome :D

Author:  Centurian57_369th [ Wed Sep 10, 2003 17:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cent, your S&S repository seems to be down, cant DL

There might have been an upload error. Try again I uploaded again.

Author:  KAPTOR [ Wed Sep 10, 2003 17:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cent, your S&S repository seems to be down, cant DL

if this helps any, when I turned off "click monitoring" for GetRight, instead of the sever error message it took me right to the Topcities home page

Author:  Centurian57_369th [ Wed Sep 10, 2003 23:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cent, your S&S repository seems to be down, cant DL

I don't get why it isn't working, the webshell shows the friggin files are there!

Author:  KAPTOR [ Thu Sep 11, 2003 01:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cent, your S&S repository seems to be down, cant DL

yeah still a no-go, can you send me the F-4 files? I'm lookin for a Nam era camo for F-4. I have the desert Ch-47 from when I built it for you, I was just testing the Dl boomer@fidmail.com

Can someone else try Cents S&S repository, maybee it's just something on my end?

Author:  Centurian57_369th [ Thu Sep 11, 2003 01:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cent, your S&S repository seems to be down, cant DL

Wait are you clicking these links here? Yes those don't work. But on my SSR tehy all do.

Author:  KAPTOR [ Thu Sep 11, 2003 01:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cent, your S&S repository seems to be down, cant DL

ok I'll try that

Author:  KAPTOR [ Thu Sep 11, 2003 01:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cent, your S&S repository seems to be down, cant DL

sorry buddy went to the cavern and still same ole same ole

can some one else try this please

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