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PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 20:27 pm 
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Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2003 19:11 pm
Posts: 2154
Yes 200 missions are all complete. Pretty cool huh? Well after some touch-up work and some organization and such it should be ready for release. I don't imagine it'll take all that long. I know I have to fix missions 137 - 165 because the briefing's are all fooey because of a failed space between the date and the word BRIEFING. I have to fix briefing's 11 - 35, 40 - 75, and 79 - 180 because they list in the ROE not to go over DPRK airspace unless directly. Well it shouldn't be there because all these missions are post 3.5.05 when the war officially begins with the DPRK offensive. I also have to put them in six separate campaign files so that'll take some work but otherwise it should be good to go very soon gentlemen.

This is from my website:

September 14, 2003: Well I have been working hard at Operation Korean Resolve and have this to say about it. I will offer two versions. The first will be for single-player in which the person will download a single file that will contain all the missions and six campaign files allowing them to fully overwrite the default campaigns and play as such. The second offering will be in multi-player form, where you will download a single file with nine parts inside, or ten if I can muster another 35 missions. Both versions will require only one LIB and that is the main OPKR LIB, a scalled down version of Game Remod 6 that is customly trimmed and edged, so to speak, for this particular theather. Enjoy!


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