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 Post subject: Israeli UAV kills MiG21
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 07:41 am 
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Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2003 12:23 pm
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LMAO, just found this:

www.iaf.org.il/iaf/doa_iis.dll/Serve/level/English/1.3.2.html wrote:
May 14th 1981:
A 'Mabat' UAV carries out a photography sortie in Syria. A MiG-21 attempting to shoot it down goes into a spin and crashes. Credit for the air victory goes to the UAV Squadron.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 18:11 pm 
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MiG-21s can be EXTREMELY difficult to fly as they are nearly unstable like an F-16. The mod that Boeing made to the Romanian(? not sure) went the full HOTAS route with HUD mods to help with SA and give the pilot less (or at leaste different) workload. We (the USA) tried shooting down Fulcrums before the war with Predators armed with Stingers, but never got a good enough shot.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 18:36 pm 
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It is true the 21 and 16 are hard to fly without assitence from avionics. They are unstable lilttle suckers. Its prob because the have simluar comfiguration. Damn thouse stuby delta wings. :D but their almost near instablilty in flight is waht gives them grea combat manuverbility in hands of a well trained pilot.


August 2nd 2003
The 110th Anniversary of Yugolsaivan Aviation!
St. Elias the gardian of the Fighter pilot.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 18:39 pm 
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BT Ace wrote:
It is true the 21 and 16 are hard to fly without assitence from avionics. They are unstable lilttle suckers. Its prob because the have simluar comfiguration. Damn thouse stuby delta wings. :D but their almost near instablilty in flight is waht gives them grea combat manuverbility in hands of a well trained pilot.

That Stinger is great but its so weak. I don't see how a MiG-29 as fragile as it is could be downed with an itsy bitsy Stinger.

"Smile, AMRAAMs love you!"
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1Lt. Centurian57_76/369th

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 18:50 pm 
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Because, Cent, when a fragmentation warhead goes off and punctures the fuel tanks you go "boom!"... :twisted:

Even with a direct hit in the engines it can cause the casing to fracture and the fuel to ignite in an uncontrolled fire, or blow the compressor and spread all the blades throughout the fuselage and the same "Boom!" results...

Last edited by CAG Hotshot on Sat Apr 26, 2003 18:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 18:50 pm 
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That Stinger is great but its so weak. I don't see how a MiG-29 as fragile as it is could be downed with an itsy bitsy Stinger.

I dont realy get what ur trying to say.


August 2nd 2003
The 110th Anniversary of Yugolsaivan Aviation!
St. Elias the gardian of the Fighter pilot.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 20:35 pm 
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CAG Hotshot wrote:
Because, Cent, when a fragmentation warhead goes off and punctures the fuel tanks you go "boom!"... :twisted:

Even with a direct hit in the engines it can cause the casing to fracture and the fuel to ignite in an uncontrolled fire, or blow the compressor and spread all the blades throughout the fuselage and the same "Boom!" results...

See now how do I simulate this in FA. I got a standard damage system which is actually very good but for missiles such as the Stinger with their small warheads they can't down a plane whilst the AIM-9 is pretty well modeled.

"Smile, AMRAAMs love you!"
"May the PATRIOTS down the FROGS!"
1Lt. Centurian57_76/369th

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