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PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 23:54 pm 
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I was just browsing here and i found this forum and decided to post here. I've been playing FA for well over 3 years.

Anyway, for the past 2 weeks I've been making missions for this campaign I have in mind using the JKPFA 4.55 lib. It really is a big undertaking and I plan to have over 100 missions before its done and I can share it with you all.

the basic plotline is a U.S. vs USSR showdown in europe set in an alternate universe. It sort of ties in with the Freedom fighters game released a few years ago in which the U.S. resists soviet occupation. this campaign is a continuation of that theme. WW3 has already happened and ended in American victory after over 12 years of fighting and a soviet withdraw. WW4 is set 14 years later after those events, in which time there has been another Russian invasion that was repelled by the fledgling U.S. military.

in this Alternate timeline things happened much differently. The Russians were the first to build the atomic bomb, and they use it to crush Germany and Japan, and kill Hitler. as part of the peace agreement the axis powers agree to occupation by Russian forces, and they surrender all their conquered territorys to the USSR. So the cold war begins with the Soviets controlling all of Germany, France (it was never liberated by the U.S.), all of eastern europe including Greece, the balkans, Turkey and Norway, along with the vast majority of the pacific including Japan, the Phillipeans, Indonesia, Taiwan, China, and Korea. they also control the North African territorys conquered by germany and Italy such as Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Ethiopia, etc. so the Russians begin the cold war in a dominating position. Soon after they invade Spain & Portugal citing nazi holdouts as the reason. then the Russians use the threat of the atomic bomb to force Britain to join the Soviet Union and complete their occupation of europe. Soviet forces then launch operations to capture Iraq, Kuwait, and parts of Saudi Arabia. they meet fierce arab resistance but it is shortly crushed and the Russians bring in millions of gallons of oil.

so with all these captured territorys and resources being brought in, Russias economy experiences a massive boom and most of the funding is poured into their military. Meanwhile the U.S. has never recovered from the Great Depression. the Soviet use of the atomic bomb ended WW2 before the U.S. could launch its war effort to jump start its economy. as a result poverty flourishes for decades and money is scarce everywhere as the economy slowly recovers. by 1960 the depression is over but the economy is still bad. the U.S. military is hit hard as a result due to budget cuts. The F-4 Phantom program is cancelled, the F-14 and F-15 are cancelled, plans for the B-1, B-2, and F-117 are cancelled also. the U.S. Navy is cut in half as ships and subs are decommissioned to save money. the M-1 Abrams tank is also cancelled. so as time goes on the U.S. finds itself using outdated weapons on a wide scale, and the military is very weak and vulnerable. some systems get passed in congress such as the F-111, F/A-18 and F-16 jets. but most are cut and the military budget is reduced every year. due to this the USAF uses F-5 Tigers, and F-104 Starfighters well into the 21st century. the navy still operates A-7s, F-8s, and A-4s. but there are enough F-18s and F-16s for them to cope. the F-111 is still an effective attack platform (the A-10 got cut too), and the B-52 is still in service.

as the U.S. is cutting its military spending and strength, the Russians triple theirs. all the weapons they couldnt afford in real life are mass produced (T-94 tank, BTR-90, massive fleet of carriers, Su-37 Super Flanker, Su-47 Berkut, etc.).

the soviets continue their expansion for decades until they eventually take over the U.S.A. itself. complete air superiority is acheived within hours as the entire USAF is wiped out instantly. Soviet troops enter the country and occupy the nation. Guerrilla resitance cells are organized by the military and militas. WW3 lasts for 12 years and millions die. the russians pull out leaving the nation devastated (they pull out due to a widescale coup being launched by people unhappy with how the war is going). after 4 years the Soviets invade again after the coup is crushed. once again they gain air superiority, but this time they are pushed out and forced to retreat.

so this is where we are at leading up to the WW4 campaign im creating. The U.S. elects Chris Stone as their President (the main character in the freedom fighters game), who is destined to go down as a Reagan/FDR type President. he unites the country, jumpstarts the economy, and begins to modernize and fix the military. although it still used largly outdated aircraft. but ships and carriers are created, warplanes are churned out of factorys, military chain of command is fixed, special pilot training programs are created (top gun/red flag), and special forces are strengthened. 6 years later the U.S. military is much much stronger than it has ever been, though it still isnt near Russias level.

as all this has been happening the Russians have been hitting the U.S. mainland with random but rare airstrikes. though the war has technically ended, they still keep small scale bombing as phsycological warfare. with the military strengthened the U.S. President announces a major offensive launched against Soviet interests in Europe to preempt future Russian attacks. Britain and France are the first 2 nations targeted for liberation.

thats the background. now for some specifics- im looking to create 4 seperate mission sets, all using the JKPFA 4.55 lib, and the France map. the 4 mission sets will be from the perspectives of the U.S. Navy (operating from carriers in the English Channel), the USAF (operating from captured airbases in Britain), the Soviet Airforce (launching from bases in France, Britain and Germany) and the Soviet Navy. I'm doing all the U.S. Navy missions, but I could use some help on the USAF and the 2 soviet mission sets.

keep in mind the U.S. is mainly using aircraft from the vietnam era in this war (A-7, F-8, F-5, F-104, B-52, etc.) and the F-16 and F/A-18 are the only modern planes they have. the Russian airforce mainly flys Su-47 Berkuts and Su-37 Superflankers, although they still use MiG-29s, Su-30s, Mig-27s, and Su-24s. the Russian navy mainly uses Su-33s, and MiG-29Ks, along with Su-27KUBs. also the U.S. never developed the AMRAAM missile and the Sparrow is their only long range A2A missile. they dont have smart bombs either. the Russians have full access to these modern weapons, and to go with the gap in technology between the US and USSR is what makes it so difficult and challenging to fly.

anyway, if youre interested then email me at f104starfighterace@yahoo.com

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 13:25 pm 
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I've finished about 10 missions each flying the F/A-18. im trying to design these to be impossibly difficult. and its working quite well, since you have fewer chaff bursts in JKPFA.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 14:37 pm 
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F-104 Starfighter wrote:
I've finished about 10 missions each flying the F/A-18. im trying to design these to be impossibly difficult. and its working quite well, since you have fewer chaff bursts in JKPFA.

Send it to JGDevlin@gmail.com and I'll check it out.


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 17:45 pm 
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I sent them to you. let me know if you get them.

You have to have the JKPFA lib though, and you have to click them in the single mission area instead of the pro mission creator. I dont know why, but a few of the missions have bugs if you load them in the creator (all aircraft computer flyed and you cant change it to human flyed). loading in single mission gets past the bugs (for me anyway)

ps. i still havent made the mission breifing papers yet, so you may not know what you have to do in the missions at some points. im going to go back and add these later.

also i havent added the computer aircraft loadouts yet, so some of the attacking planes wont be armed with anti-ship missiles as they will be later.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 22:52 pm 
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21 missions done. slow progress :?

ive still yet to add the breifings or aircraft specific loadouts. man this is hard stuff.

I'm not much of a military mind, so i dont really know what priority targets would be if there ever were a large naval battle in the english channel, combined with an effort to retake Britian

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 00:03 am 
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Did you do any briefings? It's tough to find out what I have to do without them.


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 00:35 am 
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not yet, but here are the objectives of the 1st 10 missions i sent you-

1. bomb a radar station in southern britain
2. bomb an airbase in southern britain
3. intercept russian planes attacking fleet
4. intercept russian planes attacking fleet
5. bomb a supply harbour
6. intercept russian planes attacking fleet
7. attack russian missile cruisers
8. protect a submarine from russian destroyers
9. bomb ships at a naval base in france
10. intercept russian planes attacking fleet

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 02:03 am 
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My recommendations would be the following:

1. Preload the aircraft because on those CAP missions having 4x AIM-120 on the wing hardpoints will help a lot since that is what the F/A-18C can carry.

2. AWACS or J/STARS aren't a bad idea.

3. Definitely those briefings.


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 02:52 am 
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well keep in mind in this campaign the U.S. is technologically behind. thats why there are F-8s and A-7s flying around. technically the AMRAAM was never built in this world. thus you only have sparrows which makes it more difficult.

as for the breifings, im trying to make as many missions as i can before i start those. since thats the most difficult part of mission making IMO.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 09:56 am 
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What is the hardest part? Briefings or Missions?

I think briefings are very important and shouldn't be done half-heartedly. They really convey the storyline and make a great difference in the feel of a campaign. If you write good briefings the player will feel immersed and will want to find out what happens next instead of just fulfilling one mission after the other.


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 11:10 am 
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I might be able to help make some briefings if you like.
After I make the first drafts, you could easily modify them to suit your exact needs.
If this is desired just jet the missions to the email linked to this board.


"cool beanz"
D. "FETCH" Jordan

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 12:24 pm 
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Alright, im about to send them to you fetch. just let me finish the 23rd mission, im almost done with it

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 23:34 pm 
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Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 22:40 pm
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I sent you the email Fetch. its a big one though with all the attachments, so let me know if you get it.

sorry for the delay

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