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PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 01:39 am 
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Ali wrote:
the reason most survived is because the ship exploded the top rear section where only few people existed. also hydrogen has the tendancy to travel and concentrate as high as possible so it was near the roof. this minimized casualties. secondly im not saying hydrogen is that explosive. just more vigirous than other fuels.

Nearly all of the people who died did so when they jumped out.

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 01:47 am 
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Joined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 00:26 am
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Oh I see what you mean now Kap... Sorry I used the wrong symantecs...

If a gasoline burning fabric and wood biplane hits a blimp or zepplin while in flight, it will cause a catastrophic fire and an explosion does occur, as I have seen it on the filmed clips. The explosion, if not from the hydrogen, must be caused by the rupturing of the gasoline fueltank on the biplane due to the crash. Especially if it impacts a Zepplin, as they have a solid metal frame construction...

However, when I researched the Zepplin accident, the image sure looks like an explosion to me...

The Hindinburg was from a leak and was a bit less violent than having a plane blow through it, such a violent collision into a gas cell might very well produce an explosive blast in the case of a plane collision. The Hindenburg was most likely more of one hell of a "whump!" like when you put too much starter fluid on a bar-b-q, you would also get an identicle fire ball as the one you see in the Hindy films.

And now, back to our program, I bet Flyboys sucks lol.

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

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