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 Post subject: Navy Field (Free MMO)
PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 14:44 pm 

Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 12:43 pm
Posts: 377
Location: N/A
I have been playing this game for a while, and I find it very fun game to play, its all about navy...

Go to www.navyfield.com, and I'll tell you what it is exactly about. It is 2D sea battle game, from FF (Frigate) to DD (Destroyer) to CL (light Cruiser) to CA (Heavy Cruiser) to either CV (Aircraft Carrier) or BB (Battleship) of any kind for 4 each nations of US (United States), UK (British), KM (Germany), and Japan.

When you start a game for first time, you'll go through training with your neutral FF (Each time your crew level of stats would level up to higher number, you'll have new remodel and models of FF itself) with your novice crews you would hire with reasonable price. Each time you improve the level skills of your neutral crew to level 12 with your first DD (There are several models and remodels of different DD to choose), you will have the given an opportunity to choose specific nation to service under while paying for your first nation DD.

This game is very detailed, you have the ability to buy specific engines of any kind, adding armour of 4 kinds (Deck, belt, bulge's (spelling? its a anti-torpedoes armour), and a final armour, which I forgot what the last kind of armour was called.

Finally, you also have the ability to mount, remove, or replace main gun of kind, especially torpedoes launchers, each time your crew level up. Each time your B.O. (Bridge Operator) of specific nation level up to specific level, you'll have a chance to buy remodel of your specific DD or buy more advanced version of your DD. And more you reach to higher level, if you have enough credits (in game currency) and points earned from each sea battles, you will have the chance to buy different kind of CL and higher ships, such as CA, then you'll have two paths toward two different kind of ships... That is Battleship or Aircraft Carrier.

For CV, you get to manage torpedo bomber, Diver bomber, and fighters, but you are very limited to specific number of air crafts on early CV to later CVs (bigger CV you buy, more aircraft you will be able to afford to mount on your CVs.

So, if anyone are interested and sign in new accoutn, please don't forget to add my name of Eagle114th as your Nominator, thank you very much!


Eagle out...

"Great pilots are made not born... A man may possess good eyesight, sensitive hands, and perfect coordination, but the end product is only fashioned by steady coaching, much practice, and experience."
Air Vice-Marshall J.E. "Johnnie" Johnson, RAF

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