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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 20:14 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2007 02:28 am
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Hi All:

Yesterday I stumbled across a site with info on the air war over North Vietnam that may be useful to folks with an interest in the topic, esp. those building custom missions and campaigns for sims like Fighters Anthology:

Downtown: The Air War Over Hanoi, 1965 to 1972

It's actually the home page/site for a traditional military board game (think paper maps/boards with hexagons, die-cut counters, dice, & endless tables for calculating movements, battles, and so forth). Although I used to play these type games in my teens, they all simulated land wars -- never thought someone would simulate an air war in such a fashion, but so be it.

At any rate, the game dev (who works on board games and PC games) appears to have put quite a bit of research into this game, and some of the materials on the site are fascinating. Of particular interest to folks in this forum will be:


The Combatants


The Weapons

See also the Downloads page with materials to enhance game play:


The gold mine items here are the maps and the "scenario" book, complete with mission backgrounds and orders of battle:

http://www.airbattle.co.uk/Downloads/Do ... narios.pdf

Even the rule book and battle tables for the game are somewhat interesting, as they give you insight into the challenges of simulating air combat operations in a game.

This certainly isn't the be-all-and-end-all of Vietnam air war sites, but it took me by surprise. Hope folks here find something there of interest or use.


Eric L. Howes

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 21:14 pm 
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Nice work Eric, I cut and pasted tihs over to the VNFAWING Forums for future use.

Thanks again!

"FAF Shape Meister"
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 22:34 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2007 02:28 am
Posts: 93
Hi All:

Stumbled upon another Vietnam air war game:

HPS War Over Vietnam
http://www.hpssims.com/Pages/products/M ... V/wov.html

This game is almost exactly on the same scale as GMT's "Downtown" board game -- the tactical level through a mission planner's view of the world where the units you work with are flights of aircraft (typical 4-8 in size).

This one is a PC game, though, which means that the computer handles the rules & turn process for you. In fact, the game is designed to be played in real time, though time compression modes are available. Several reviewers have suggested that those familiar with Harpoon should be very comfortable with this HPS WOV.

Not as much historical documentation is available at the HPS site, however, the reviews I've seen are quite good. See for example this one:


While the reviewer point out some problems with the game, the key quote is this:

First of all, let me say that the scenarios you can find in WOW are tremendously detailed. It is obvious that an immense deal of in-depth research was invested into this game, and from my standpoint I can only say that they are historically precise to the last dot and comma. For this reason alone this game is a must for every serious student of the air war over Vietnam: this game is going to help everybody understand the thinking, organization and planning of USAF, USN, and USMC operations during this war - and this from 1965 until 1972. I am also looking for realistic orders of battle ... In this aspect the WOW beats all the other simulations I played so far because you'll not get anything else but what was at disposal of USAF, USN, USMC, and the North Vietnamese at the time of this war.

As with "Downtown," this game may be a useful catalyst for scenario/mission generation.


Eric L. Howes

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 16:47 pm 

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Posts: 93
Hi All:

Some additional Vietnam War/SEA resources that interested folks might want to take a look at:

SEA Maps

SEA Call Signs
http://chancefac.net/index.html (home page)
http://chancefac.net/A-cs_pgs_rebuild/c ... _index.htm

The JCS 94-Target List
http://www.airpower.au.af.mil/airchroni ... /kamps.pdf (PDF)
http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m ... i_75578153

Vietnam War Aircraft
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:V ... r_aircraft
http://www.militaryfactory.com/aircraft ... rcraft.asp

Pentagon Papers (Op. Rolling Thunder sections)
http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pe ... /pent6.htm
http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/pe ... /pent1.htm

Maxwell AFB - Vietnam Resources
https://www.maxwell.af.mil/au/awc/awcga ... tm#vietnam
https://www.maxwell.af.mil/au/awc/awcga ... tm#vietnam

Task Force Omega (MIA bios/stories/maps)

F-105 Thud (historical discussion)


Eric L. Howes

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 23:37 pm 
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I added this new resource list to the vnfawing forum on the same string I created for the original list at the top.

"FAF Shape Meister"
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 01:15 am 

Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2007 02:28 am
Posts: 93
Hi All:

I'm back with some additional resources for those interested in the air war over Vietnam. First, some additional online resources; then, in a follow-up post I'll have a proper bibliography of print publications (many of which can be had in PDF form online -- more on that below).

* Additional Online Resources

Declassified CIA documents concerning Operation Rolling Thunder
http://library2.usask.ca/vietnam/index. ... NG+THUNDER

Vietnam War Timelines
http://www.historyplace.com/unitedstate ... index.html
http://www.pbs.org/battlefieldvietnam/t ... index.html
http://www.landscaper.net/timelin.htm#time line

EB-66 Info/Data

By Sea, Air, and Land: An Illustrated History of the U.S. Navy and the War in Southeast Asia

* Also, two things I stumbled across just last night:

Interview w/ Ed Rasimus
(Great for technical details of flying missions in the F-105 & F-4)

Air Tactics During the Vietnam War
http://www.f-16.net/index.php?name=PNph ... pic&t=2187
(long forum thread w/ actual Nam fighter pilots answering questions & offering their own observations & memories)

* My next, follow-up post will contain a proper bibliography of relevant print publications. Two important notes about the books listed:

1. I have deliberately excluded first-person accounts/memoirs/auto-biographies (e.g., those by Ed Rasimus, Jack Broughton, John Trotti, and many others), as those books are already very-well known. I have also excluded the several well-known novels written by the likes of Stephen Coonts, Mark Barents, and others. The bibliography focuses on historical and technical sources of information on the air war over Vietnam.

2. Many of the listed publications can be had for free in PDF form online. Check these sites:

Naval Historical Center Publications

Air Force History Office

See also the extensive Vietnam Air War bibliography at Clemson for additional links to online versions of the listed publications:

Vietnam War Bibliography: The Air War
http://www.clemson.edu/caah/history/fac ... irwar.html
http://www.clemson.edu/caah/history/fac ... ngair.html
http://www.clemson.edu/caah/history/fac ... force.html
http://www.clemson.edu/caah/history/fac ... /navy.html
http://www.clemson.edu/caah/history/fac ... /tech.html


Eric L. Howes

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 01:21 am 

Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2007 02:28 am
Posts: 93
Hi All:

As promised, a bibliography of print publications on the Vietnam air war. Remember that many of the books listed here can be found in PDF form online for free -- see the end of my post just above. Almost all of the rest can be had used or new through Amazon.com or other online book sellers.

Vietnam Air War Books

* General History *

Aces and Aerial Victories: The United States Air Force in Southeast Asia 1965-1973, by R. Frank Futrell, William H. Greenhalgh. University Press of the Pacific (2002).

Barrel Roll, 1968-73: An Air Campaign in Support of National Policy, by Perry L. Lamy. Air University Press (1995).

The Eleven Days of Christmas: America's Last Vietnam Battle, by Marshall L. Michel. Encounter Books (2001).

Gradual Failure: The Air War Over North Vietnam, 1965-1966, by Jacob Van Staaveren. Diane Pub Co (2003).

To Hanoi & Back: The United States Air Force And North Vietnam 1966-1973, by Wayne Thompson. Smithsonian (2000).

Like Rolling Thunder: The Air War in Vietnam, 1964-1975, by Ronald B. Frankum. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. (2005).

Linebacker: The Untold Story of the Air Raids Over North Vietnam, by Karl J. Eschmann. Ballantine/Ivy (1989).

Linebacker II: A View from the Rock (USAF Southeast Asia Monograph Series), by James R. McCarthy (Author), George B. Allison (Author), Robert E. Rayfield. Air Force History & Museums Program (1986).

The Linebacker Raids: The Bombing Of North Vietnam, 1972. by John Smith. Sterling (2000).

The Naval Air War in Vietnam: 1965-1975, by Peter Mersky and Norman Polmar. Nautical & Aviation Publishing Co. of America (1981).

One Day in a Long War: May 10, 1972, Air War, North Vietnam, by Jeffrey Ethell. Random House Value Publishing (1991).

Rain of Fire: Air War, 1968-1975 (Vietnam Experience), by John Morrocco. Time Life Education (May 1985).

Rolling Thunder: The Strategic Bombing Campaign, North Vietnam 1965-1968, by John Smith. Crecy Publishing Ltd (1995).

A Tale of Two Bridges and the Battle for the Skies over North Vietnam (USAF Southeast Asia Monograph Series), by A. J. C. Lavalle (Editor). Government Reprints Press (2001).

Thunder from Above: Air War, 1961-1968, by John Morrocco. Time Life Education (October 1984).

US Air Force in Southeast Asia 1961-1973, by Carl Berger. Office of Air Force History (1977).

A War Too Long: The United States Air Force in Southeast Asia 1961-1975, by John Schlight. Air Force History & Museums Programs (1996).

* Military Strategy/Tactics *

Airpower in Three Wars (World War II, Korea and Vietnam, by William W. Momyer University Press of the Pacific (2002).

The Air War in Southeast Asia Case Studies of Selected Campaigns, by Herman L. Gilster. University Press of the Pacific (2002).

Case Studies in the Achievement of Air Superiority, by Benjamin F. Cooling (Editor). University Press of the Pacific (2005).

Clashes: Air Combat Over North Vietnam, 1965-1972, by Marshall L. Michel. US Naval Institute Press. (1997).

Crosswinds: The Air Force's Setup in Vietnam, by Earl H. Tilford, Jr. Texas A&M University Press (1993).

The History of U.S. Electronic Warfare, Vol 3: Rolling Thunder Through Allied Force, 1964 to 2000, by Alfred Price. Association of Old Crows (2000).

The Icarus Syndrome: The Role of Air Power Theory in the Evolution and Fate of the U.S. Air Force, by Carl H. Builder. Transaction Publishers; New Ed edition (2002).

The Limits of Air Power: The American Bombing of North Vietnam, by Mark A. Clodfelter. Bison Books (2006).

On Yankee Station: The Naval Air War Over Vietnam, by John B. Nichols, Barrett Tillman. US Naval Institute Press (2001).

The Perfect War: Technowar in Vietnam, by James William Gibson. Atlantic Monthly Press (2000).

The Rules of Defeat: The Impact of Aerial Rules of Engagement on USAF Operations in North Vietnam, 1965-1968, by Maj. Ricky Drake. Air University Press (1993).

Setup: What the Air Force Did in Vietnam and Why, by Earl H. Tilford, Jr. University Press of the Pacific (2002).

Striving for Air Superiority: The Tactical Air Command in Vietnam, by Craig C. Hannah. Texas A&M University Press (2002).

* Historical/Political Context *

Debating Vietnam: Fulbright, Stennis, and Their Senate Hearings, by Joseph A. Fry. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.; 1 edition (2006).

Rolling Thunder: Understanding Policy and Program Failure, by James Thompson. Univ of North Carolina Pr (1980).

* Unit-Level Histories *

Afterburner: Naval Aviators and the Vietnam War, by John Darrell Sherwood. NYU Press (2004).

The Air Force in Southeast Asia: The RF-101 Voodoo, 1961-1970 (USAF Historical Studies, no. 149), by William H. Greenhalgh, Jr. Office of Air Force History, 1979.

Air War Over North Vietnam: The Vietnamese People's Air Force: 1949-1977, by Istvan Toperczer. Squadron/Signal Publications (1998).

Bury Us Upside Down: The Misty Pilots and the Secret Battle for the Ho Chi Minh Trail, by Rick Newman. Presidio Press (2006).

Iron Hand: Smashing the Enemy's Air Defences, by A. Thornborough. Haynes Publishing (2002).

Over the Beach: The Air War in Vietnam, by Zalin Grant. W. W. Norton & Company (2005).

Launch The Intruders: A Naval Attack Squadron In The Vietnam War, 1972, by Carol Reardon. University Press of Kansas (2005).

Planting the Seeds of SEAD: The Wild Weasel in Vietnam, by William A. Hewitt. Air University Press (1993).

Sparks Over Vietnam: The EB-66 and the Early Struggle of Tactical Electronic Warfare, by Capt. Gilles Van Nederveen, USAF. Air University Press (2003).

Voodoo Warriors: The Story of the McDonnell Voodoo Fast-Jets, by Nigel Walpole. Pen and Sword (2006).

War from Above the Clouds: B-52 Operations During the Second Indochina War and the Effects of the Air War on Theory and Doctrine, by William P. Head. Air University Press (2002).

Wild Weasel Fighter Attack, by Thomas Withington. Pen & Sword Aviation (2008).

Wild Weasel: The SAM Suppression Story, by Larry Davis. Squadron Signal Publications (1986, 1993).

Wild Weasels: History of US Air Force SAM Killers, 1965 to Today, by Hans Halberstadt. Motorbooks Intl (1992).

Wild Weasels: Elite Radar-Killers of the USAF, by Tony Thornborough & Frank B. Mormillo. Osprey (1992).

* Aircraft/Weapons *

Aircraft of the Vietnam War, by Bill Gunston. Borgo Press (August 1988).

And Kill MiGs: Air to Air Combat in the Vietnam War, by Lou Drendel. Squadron/Signal Publications; Rev Sub edition (November 1984).

Archie, Flak, AAA, and SAM: A Short Operational History of Ground-Based Air Defense, by Kenneth P. Werrell. Air University Press (1988).

Carrier Operations (Illustrated History of the Vietnam War, Vol 4), by Edward J. Marolda. Bantam (1987).

Encyclopedia of US Air Force Aircraft and Missile Systems, Volume 1: Post-World War II Fighters 1945-1973, by Marcelle Size Knaack. Office of Air Force History (1978).

F-105 Thunderchief: Workhorse of the Vietnam War, by Dennis R. Jenkins. McGraw-Hill Professional (2000).

F-4 Phantom vs MiG-21: Vietnam War 1965-73, by Peter Davies. Osprey Publishing (2008).

Gadget Warfare (Illustrated History of the Vietnam War, No 14), by F. Clifton Jr Berry. Bantam (1988)

The History of US Electronic Warfare. Volume III: Rolling Thunder Through Allied Force, 1964 to 2000, by Alfred Price. Association of Old Crows (2000).

Intruder: The Operational History of Grumman's A-6, by Mark Morgan, Rick Morgan. Schiffer Publishing (2004).

An Illustrated Guide to The Air War Over Vietnam: Aircraft of The Southeast Asia Conflict, by Bernard Nalty, George Watson, Jacob Neufeld. Lansdowne/Salamander Press (1981).

Crusader!: Last of the Gunfighters, by Paul T. Gillcrist. Schiffer Publishing (1995).

MiG Master, 2/E: The Story of the F-8 Crusader, by Barrett Tillman. Naval Institute Press; 2 edition (2007).

Osprey "Combat Aircraft"/"Aircraft of the Aces" Series:
- B-52 Stratofortress Units in Combat 1955-73, by Jon Lake.
- F-8 Crusader Units of the Vietnam War, by Peter Mersky and Tom Tullis.
- MiG-21 Units of the Vietnam War, by Istvan Toperczer and Mark Styling.
- RA-5C Vigilante Units In Combat, by Robert Powell and Jim Laurier.
- RF-8 Crusader Units over Cuba and Vietnam, by Peter Mersky and Tom Tullis .
- US Navy A-7 Corsair II Units of the Vietnam War, by Peter Mersky and Norm Birzer.
- US Navy F-4 Phantom II MiG Killers 1965-70, by Brad Elward and Jim Laurier.
- US Navy F-4 Phantom II MiG Killers 1972-73, by Brad Elward and Jim Laurier.
- US Navy and Marine Corps A-4 Skyhawk Units of the Vietnam War 1963-1973, by Peter Mersky and Jim Laurier.
- USAF F-4 Phantom II MiG Killers 1965-68, by Peter Davies and Jim Laurier.
- USAF F-4 Phantom II MiG Killers 1972-73, by Peter Davies and Jim Laurier.

Phantom in Combat, by Walter J. Boyne. Schiffer Publishing (1994).

Republic F-105 Thunderchief Wing and Squadron Histories by James Geer. Schiffer Publishing (2002).

Strike Aircraft (Illustrated History of the Vietnam War, Vol 9), by F. Clifton Jr Berry. Bantam (1988).

Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club: U.S. Carrier Operations Off Vietnam, by Rene Francillon. Naval Institute Pr (1988).

USAF F-4 and F-105 MiG Killers of the Vietnam War, 1965-1973, by Donald J., Jr. McCarthy. Schiffer Publishing (2005).

Vietnam Air War Debrief: The Story of the Aircraft, the Battles, and the Pilots who Fought, by Robert F. Dorr, Chris Bishop. Airtime Pub (September 1996).

War in the Fourth Dimension: US Electronic Warfare from the Vietnam War to the Present, by Alfred Price. Stackpole (2001).

Wizardry for Air Campaigns: Signals Intelligence Support to the Cockpit, by Gilles Van Nederveen. Air University Press (2001).


Eric L. Howes

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 14:00 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
Posts: 4437
Thanks again Eric! I also added these posts to the VNFAWING Forums! :D

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