At first, I would like to say thank to ZephyrNet and these Forum members for FA MOD tools :)
Sorry, I'm not good at writing in English.
Well, I'm using FA-ToolKit to modify some Airplanes. I've changed Recon-Airplane "AURORA" to Fighter/Attcker and some Equipments and Env.
Now, I'm suffering about Aircraft-Selection-Icon Editing, default X31 PIC to my edited AURORA PIC... After editing Icon, when running FA, got game crushed, maybe said "CTD"(=Crush To Desktop).
I'd like to explain about details.
Boot ToolKit--> Graphics:AircraftICON--> Save default ICO2F31.PIC to bmp (export)--> Edit with Photoshop or PSP, And save as 256color BMP(with using FA's default Palett)--> ToolKit--> Graphics:Import--> Convert it to ICON*.PIC--> Rename ICON*.PIC to ICO2F31.PIC with WindowsExplorer--> Open ITEM.DAT with notepad.exe and Edit name ICON*.PIC to ICO2F31.PIC--> ToolKit--> Then, create *.LIB--> RUN FA(1.02F)--> Load some Campaign or Mission--> When push the "Aircraft Choose" button, FA gets CTD.
Here is "my edited sample as MOD" BMP(JPG) and ZIP.
JPG: sample"52x132" (This is 32bit-colormode, so please use on 256color)
JPG: sample"40x128" (This is 32bit-colormode, so please use on 256color)
ZIP-pass is "FA". This contains some Icons which I've made sample BMPs and PICs as MOD.
And, there are other questions.
1. Which size is correct?
"52x132"(FATK saves as BMP this size, when Export) or "40x128"(FATK asks this size, when Import).
2. I've noticed AircraftSelectionIcon uses "*.PTS" when editing some Aircraft with using FA-ToolKit. Is it impossible to edit AircraftIcons with only changing *.PIC? Is there any method to edit "*.PTS" with FAtoolkit or directly?
Does anyone who know about this icon editing method, please help :)
PS: My game PC is: XP-SP2, Dx9.2. W/ Original purchaced game CD. W/o win95or98x compatible mode.
Thanks for your reading this :)