EDIT: I had originally posted this article:Quote:
July 12, 2009: After four years of haggling over Russian demands for more money, India has agreed to pay $2.2 billion, instead of the original (2004) agreed on $1.5 billion, for a Russian shipyard to refurbish an old, damaged, aircraft carrier (the Admiral Gorshkov) for Indian use.
http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htnavai/articles/20090712.aspxBut now it appears $2.9 billion may in fact be more accurate:http://www.hindu.com/2009/07/20/stories/2009072056991800.htmQuote:
After the recent visit of Defence Secretary Vijay Singh, New Delhi was hopeful that the price would be closer to $2.2 billion; however, over the past one week, negotiations had moved in a direction that showed it would be closer to the re-revised demand, the sources said.
The Russian Federation Navy (RFN) has abandoned plans to acquire two still-incomplete frigates that have languished in a Kaliningrad shipyard since the 1990s, Jane's has learned.
The Neustrashimy-class (Project 1154) frigate Tuman and the Grom-class (Project 1244.1) frigate Borodino will instead be offered for sale overseas.
The Russian Navy is currently on the verge of 'irreversible collapse', according to a recent analysis published by the authoritative Moscow-based weekly - the Independent Military Review .
....the main cause for the 'collapse' is the state of the Russian shipbuilding industry, which is "incapable of producing warships in either the quantity or at the level of quality that their navy customer requires" for the future.
http://www.janes.com/news/defence/naval ... _1_n.shtml
On a more positive note, the Gorshkov frigate and Steregushchy corvette are coming along.
Project 22350 Gorshkov:
