Updated and Edited the ZSU-57 shape... Lengthed the chassis a slight bit to better balance out the shape and altered the turret and lowered the guns some and corrected their length, and seperated the turret from the body of the vehicle to give it a moving turret...
I still have to work on the tracer shape to shorten it a bit, like I did for the aircraft cannons, but leave it the bright yellow to better represent the high speed shell...
Also I need to increase the size of the gun blast to more accurately model it...
This vehicle is like any other AAA site, you cant add it to a convoy and with the limitations of the FA I had to make the chassis always pointing so the turret can rotate around it...
So this vehicle cant be be setup as a moving vehicle uinless moving north(forward) or south(backing up) or it will drive sideways...
To be honest I am not sure it will drive at all, so I will have to do some quick testing on that and post back later on it...
CAG out...
"FAF Shape Meister"
FAF/FA-2 Design team
TSH Member/Developer
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