I know there may be polygonal differences between the Marine Fighters and Fighters Anthology shapes, but if I remember correctly, visually everything looked the same. The objects added by Marine Fighters, carried over the Fighters Anthology were:
Wasp class LHD
AV-8B Harrier II
Sea Harrier
AC-130 Spectre
the Kurile Islands map, campaign, and missions. And a few weapons (only guns maybe?) for the new aircraft.
Screenshots on the internet are hard to come by. Migman's Museum shows a few:
http://www.migman.com/sw/MarineFighters ... ghters.phpI think his "First Mission" screenshots are from Fighters Anthology (improved Tu-26 mistakenly called a Tu-160, and the improved gray Hind shape).
The addon appears to actually be for sale, for $2.00 new, via Amazon marketplace:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/ ... er=&colid=It would require USNF and a DOS environment to run.