I have completed the new shape for the SU-17/20/22 Fitters...

The new shape has functional swing wings, and improved skin and a raised fuselage behind the cockpit. This has got to have been the most difficult shape I have ever worked on...
I created it from the Su-7 Fitter in the sim, improved it and added a sort of swing wing to it...
The wing will only go fully forward or fully back, I think this was how the aircraft was origially configured, using the swing wing only for landings. It adds lift to the aircraft and reduces approach speeds so it is fully functional...
Here are a series of screenshots (Sorry for the 800 x 600 but I am having an issue with 1024 x 769 cockpit failures.)...
Pictures show the wings swept and fully forward for landing...

As you can see there still are some issues...
I have to fix the nose gear and the aircaft attitude when landed (add more nose up) and add the nose probes. Plus complete some more detail on the aluminum skin, then build the camo versions of the skin as well...
All this is minor though compared to the problems I had building this SOB!
Also there is no way for me to fix the shadow right now, maybe down the road in another release, but not right now. I need to study how to make the shadow animated to match the shape, by comparing shadows of other swing wing aircraft...
I also have visibility issues with the wing fences. It has to do with the polygons I built them from... Dont know how to over come those either, but give me time and I will figure it out!
So, I hope you liked it, it will be in this release of FAF...
CAG out...
"FAF Shape Meister"
FAF/FA-2 Design team
TSH Member/Developer
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