it must be recognized that in the field of listening,
the USA have the monopoly, very far behind are Russia and China even if it takes
Recognize them some progress in this area ...
When you talk about the western world, it is largely under American influence.
Europe more precisely this "European Union" does not have the tools to face the future challenges.
We Europeans, are subject to the NATO Policy, the armed arm of the USA.
We do not have our own continental army. We lack independence
and back when our interests diverge.
I want to emphasize that the US is the pioneer in the field of computers and electronics.(Microsoft, Google , Apple etc...)
They have an immeasurable budget in the defense. The record military budget of $ 686 billion just for 2019 ... very far from other countries.
Because of this, they have a lot of global surveillance systems like
XKeyscore PRISM ECHELON Carnivore DISHFIRE STONEGHOST Fairview MYSTIC DCSN Boundless Informant BULLRUN PINWALE Stingray etc ...
(see :
American excellence is present but sometimes it is capable of the best as the worst.