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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:47 pm 

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usnraptor wrote:

You should use this scenario to build a campaign. Start the storyline off with this being an exercise, some event happens, and then a war breaks out between NATO and Russia/China.

You can decide which side the player is on and the outcome of the campaign.


This is not a bad idea ... Only it takes a lot of time to build it. Also my English is basic ...

JKPFA with Mods is available and open for everyone.

I wish and would like there to be campaigns / missions related to this custom LIB.

Hoping that it happen soon



PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 08:33 am 

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Video: US Nuclear Missiles Deployed in Italy, … against Russia - Global Research, October 18, 2018

Image Source: PandoraTV

The B61-12, the new US nuclear bomb which replaces the B-61 deployed in Italy and other European countries, will begin production in less than a year. The announcement was made officially by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). It reveals that the revision of the final project has now been completed with success, and the qualification stage will begin this month at the Pantex Plant in Texas. Production will be authorised to begin in September 2019.

In March 2020, the first unit of production will begin fabricating a series of 500 bombs. As from that time, in other words in about a year and a half, the United States will begin the anti-Russian deployment in Italy, Germany, Belgium, Holland and probably certain other European countries, of the first nuclear bomb in their arsenal with a precision guidance system. The B61-12 is designed with penetrating capacity, built to explode underground in order to destroy bunkers housing command centres.

Since Italy and the other countries, in violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, are offering the USA the bases, the pilots and the aircraft for the deployment of the B61-12, Europe will soon be exposed to a greater risk as the front line of the developing nuclear confrontation with Russia.

An even more dangerous situation appears at the same moment – the return of the Euromissiles, meaning the nuclear missiles which are similar to those deployed in Europe in the 1980’s by the USA, with the official aim of defending against Soviet missiles.


This category of ground-based nuclear missiles of intermediate range (between 500 and 5,500 km) were eliminated with the INF Treaty of 1987. But in 2014, the Obama administration accused Russia of having experimented with a cruise missile (# 9M729) whose category was forbidden by the Treaty. Moscow denied that the missile violated the INF Treaty and, in turn, accused Washington of having installed in Poland and Romania launch ramps for interceptor missiles (elements of the “shield”), which could be used to launch cruise missiles bearing nuclear warheads.

The accusation aimed by Washington at Moscow, which is not supported by any evidence, enabled the USA to launch a plan aimed at once again deploying in Europe ground-based intermediate-range nuclear missiles. The Obama administration had already announced in 2015 that “faced with the violation of the INF Treaty by Russia, the United States are considering the deployment of ground-based missiles in Europe”. This plan was confirmed by the Trump administration – in fiscal year 2018, Congress authorised the financing of a “programme of research and development for a cruise missile which could be launched from a mobile road base”.

The plan is supported by the European allies of NATO. The recent North-Atlantic Council, at the level of Europe’s Defence Ministers, which was attended for Italy by Elisabetta Trenta (M5S), declared that the “INF Treaty is in danger because of the actions of Russia”, which it accused of deploying “a disturbing missile system which constitutes a serious risk for our security”. Hence the necessity that “NATO must maintain nuclear forces which are stable, trust-worthy and efficient” (which explains why the members of the Alliance rejected en bloc the United Nations Treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons).

So the grounds are being laid for a European deployment, on the borders of Russian territory, of ground-based intermediate-range US nuclear missiles. It’s as if Russia were deploying in Mexico nuclear missiles pointed at the United States.

This article was originally published in Italian on Il Manifesto.

Translated by Pete Kimberley

Manlio Dinucci is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

From : https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-us-nuclear-missiles-deployed-in-italy-against-russia/5657294

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 04:43 am 
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usnraptor wrote:

You should use this scenario to build a campaign. Start the storyline off with this being an exercise, some event happens, and then a war breaks out between NATO and Russia/China.

You can decide which side the player is on and the outcome of the campaign.

Except NATO would never go to war with China or Russia... They are to reliant on Russian energy supplies. The biggest thing they will ever do is sanctions. And the EU has to much invested in Chinese manufacturing to risk a war. The EU cant manufacture at a cost that would support their own shaky economies.... That wouldn't make to good of a campaign scenario...

"FAF Shape Meister"
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Last edited by CAG Hotshot on Fri Nov 09, 2018 04:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 06:49 am 
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CAG Hotshot wrote:
usnraptor wrote:

You should use this scenario to build a campaign. Start the storyline off with this being an exercise, some event happens, and then a war breaks out between NATO and Russia/China.

You can decide which side the player is on and the outcome of the campaign.

Except NATO would never to to war with China or Russia... They are to reliant on Russian energy supplies. The biggest thing they will ever do is sanctions. And the EU has to much invested in Chinese manufacturing to risk a war. The EU cant manufacture at a cost that would support their own shaky economies.... That wouldnt make to good of a campaign scenario...

How many times has Russia already threatened the EU with turning off the heat? It's more than 0 that's for sure! Add to the fact that our European partners have abysmally low mission-capable rates on their platforms. It is true, they wouldn't do very well.


PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 09:33 am 

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Video: The Mega War Game “Trident Juncture 2018” From Naples to North Atlantic

US Marines disembarked from convertibles and helicopters from the amphibious attack ship “Iwo Jima”, and “secured” Keflavik airport in Iceland, where Poseidon P-8A aircraft had arrived from Sigonella to take part in the hunt for enemy submarines. That was the start, on 17 October, of the NATO exercise Trident Juncture 2018, whose principal phase will be taking place from 25 October to 7 November in Central and Eastern Norway, in the areas adjacent to the North Atlantic (as far as Iceland) and the Baltic Sea (including the airspace of Sweden and Finland).

The armed forces of the 29 member states of NATO will be taking part, plus those of their two partners, Sweden and Finland. Total deployment – approximately 50,000 men, 65 major ships, 250 aircraft, 10,000 tanks and other military vehicles. If they were lined up, one element behind the other, they would create a column 92 kilometres long.

The commander of the exercise, one of the largest of the last few years, is Admiral James Foggo. Nominated by the Pentagon, like his predecessors, he is the commander of the Allied Joint Force Command (JFC) whose headquarters is in Lago Patria (Naples), the US Naval Forces in Europe, and the US Naval Forces for Africa, whose headquarters is in Naples Capodichino. The Admiral is commanding Trident Juncture 2018 from the “Mount Whitney”, the flagship of the Sixth Fleet, transferred from Gaeta to the North Atlantic – a floating headquarters which is connected to the Pentagon’s global command and control network, including the Muos di Niscemi station in Sicily.

This confirms the importance of these US and NATO command centres and bases in Italy, not only for the Mediterranean, but also for the whole “area of responsibility” of the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, who is always a US General, currently Curtis Scaparrotti, nominated by the President of the United States. Since 2002, this geostrategic area “has been extended in order to cover all NATO operations, independent of their geographical situation”.

The official objective of Trident Juncture 2018 is to “ensure that NATO forces are ready to respond to any form of aggression wherever it may occur”.


But it’s enough to glance at the map to realise that this major war exercise is focused in only one direction – towards the East, against Russia.

Admiral Foggo claims that the “Fourth Battle of the Atlantic” has already begun, after the battles of the two World Wars against German U-boats, and that of the Cold War against Soviet submarines: it is now being waged against Russia, the new “aggressive maritime power”, whose “increasingly sophisticated submarines threaten NATO’s capacity to maintain maritime control of the North Atlantic, and consequently, the lines of maritime communication between the United States and Europe”. Turning the facts on their head, the Admiral claims that Russia “defies the presence of the United States and NATO” not only in the Atlantic, but also in the “Baltic and the Black Seas”, in other words the seas which border European Russia.

Thus we discover the other finality of Trident Juncture 2018 – it’s a massive psyop (psychological operation) aimed at reinforcing the idea that Europe is under the threat of an increasingly aggressive Russia.

In Sweden, a NATO partner country, 4.8 million families were handed a survival manual explaining how to prepare for war, by storing reserves of food and other essential goods, learning how to behave when the signals of alert are sounded to warn of the Russian attack. So NATO is preparing to swallow up even Sweden, an old “neutral” state.

This article was originally published in Italian on Il Manifesto.

Translated by Pete Kimberley

Manlio Dinucci is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

From : https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-mega-war-game-trident-juncture-2018-naples-north-atlantic/5657943

PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 10:23 am 

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1999 NATO Bombing Inevitable Given Expansion Plans - Ex-Yugoslav Minister

BELGRADE (Sputnik) – The bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO forces in 1999 was inevitable because of the plans of the alliance to expand in the direction of Russia, former Foreign Minister of Yugoslavia Zivadin Jovanovic, who headed the ministry in 1998-2000, told Sputnik.

"There was no way to avoid NATO's aggression because it had global geopolitical significance for the aggressors. They wanted to demonstrate their strength against international law and the UN, to get an open space to apply the strategy of military expansion to the southeast," Jovanovic said.

He stressed that NATO needed this bombing as a precedent.

"On the other hand, they needed a precedent so that they could globalize interventionism outside the UN system without consulting the Security Council. It was an attempt to build a base in the Balkans to, as they say, correct the mistake of Dwight Eisenhower, former US president and ex-supreme allied commander in World War II, and bring their bases closer to the western borders of Russia," Jovanovic said.

He pointed out that after NATO aggression, the largest military base on the European continent, Camp Bondsteel, was built near the city of Uroshevac in Kosovo and Metohija.

"It was the first link in the chain of a number of new US bases. Then four US military bases were opened in Bulgaria, four in Romania, a few more near the Baltic Sea, and so on. No concessions would have satisfied them and would not have been comparable to the geopolitical goals of the US and the Western alliance. Aggression could not have been avoided," Jovanovic said.

He noted that Yugoslavia at that time did not threaten anyone, and Belgrade did not expect to defeat NATO, "but was trying at any cost to protect itself from aggression."

The NATO bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia took place between March 24 and June 10 in 1999. The alliance’s military operation was carried out without the UN Security Council’s approval and was based on allegations of Western countries that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) authorities carried out ethnic cleansing of thousands of Albanians in Kosovo and provoked a humanitarian catastrophe there.

According to the Serbian authorities, about 2,500 people died, while some 12,500 were injured during the NATO bombing.

From : https://sputniknews.com/europe/201903241073497641-nato-bombing-expansion/


PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 07:46 am 

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NATO Armed Forces in Europe - Infographics

Take a look at NATO's armed forces in European states -NATO-Russian relations have been complicated over the past years as the alliance maintains its course for eastward expansion. The alliance has been also stepping up its military presence in Europe since 2014, using the alleged Russian involvement in the Ukraine crisis and what it describes as general destabilizing activities as a pretext. Moscow has refuted the allegations and warned that such a policy may undermine stability in the region.


PostPosted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 23:04 pm 
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There is no "Eastern Expansion" you fucking idiot... If there had been then Ukraine would have been a member long ago. Geez you are such a pathetic DUMBFUCK.

"FAF Shape Meister"
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 08:53 am 

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Very few people could have imagined for even a moment that the beginning of what some analysts called the "Arab Spring" would bring about the total collapse of the world order, the end of the United Nations, the dislocation of NATO and US geostrategic decline.

Here we are. The new world order wanted in the aftermath of the Gulf War is no more. He has just been buried.

This end of a world is accompanied by a proven inability to win a conflict, the slightest conflict, as small as it is.

The war in Afghanistan proves it every day. Taliban guerrilla warfare is so strong on the ground that it totally sidelined an inaudible Afghan government, helplessly assisting in negotiations between Washington and a politico-military force able to take power at any time in that country.

In Syria, Damascus has succeeded, thanks to the strategic intelligence of the Syrians to play old alliances with Russia and Iran but also North Korea and China, forever transforming the balance of forces in the Middle East and beyond.

70 years after its inception, the Atlantic Alliance has become a costly boast, unable to win any war against the smallest opponent. Worse, it breaks up under the kicks of the resurgence of the Turkish imperial spirit.

Russia and China lead the dance in all hemispheres. What remains of the old order is barking. Not More for a very long time.



PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 07:06 am 

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Moscow keeps tabs on NATO exercises in the Black Sea, Russian Defense says - 17:06 04.08.2019 -


Russian naval and air forces are monitoring the Sea Shield maneuvers organized by NATO in the Black Sea from 5 to 13 April, the Russian Defense Ministry said. The device is ready to act in case of emergency.

The Russian Black Sea Fleet has organized the surveillance of several maritime areas to be able to respond to any emergencies related to the 2019 NATO Sea Shield naval exercises in the Black Sea, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on Monday. Defense.

"In order to react quickly to possible emergencies, the Black Sea Fleet has implemented a set of measures to monitor the operations of NATO ships," the ministry said in a statement.

"Reconnaissance vessels, naval strike groups, Bastion and Bal coastal missile systems and naval airplanes have been commissioned in the designated areas of the Black Sea," he added.

The Alliance launched on April 5 its multinational exercises in the Black Sea. Named Sea Shield 2019, these maneuvers take place until 13 April and involve American, Bulgarian, Greek, Canadian, Dutch, Roman, and Turkish airplanes and ships, all in coordination with representatives of the Georgian and Ukrainian armed forces.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 07:33 am 

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Pentagon grants $ 250 million in military aid to Ukraine

The United States announced plans to provide military assistance to Ukraine. Estimated at $ 250 million, it will allow the former Soviet republic to strengthen its defensive and offensive arsenals.

The Pentagon announced on June 18 that it has granted US $ 250 million in military assistance to Ukraine to strengthen the naval and land capabilities of the former Soviet republic.

The new aid, which brings US military assistance to Ukraine to US $ 1.5 billion since 2014, will provide weapons and radar to the Ukrainian army, according to a Pentagon statement (https://dod.defense.gov/News/News-Releases/News-Release-View/Article/1879340/dod-announces-250m-to-ukraine/).

"This security cooperation is made possible by Ukraine's continued progress on the adoption of key defense institutional reforms aimed at aligning Ukraine's defense with the Euro-Atlantic principles," the US secretariat added. of the defense.

The European Union and NATO support Ukraine, whose relations with Moscow have particularly deteriorated since the coup in 2014, and especially after the accession to Russia of the Crimean peninsula following the referendum of March 16 2014.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 11:54 am 

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US warned against missile crisis
from Cuba bis to the Russian border

If the United States comes to deploy missiles at Russian borders, they may cause a serious political crisis similar to that of Cuba's missiles, warned a Russian diplomat.

The ground deployment of US missiles near Russian borders could lead to a crisis similar to that of Cuba's missiles, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on June 24.

"If things happen to a real ground deployment of such systems, the situation will not only get more complicated,

it will get worse at maximum", he said in an address to the Federation Council (upper house of the Russian Parliament).

The Cuban missile crisis took place in October 1962. The US and the USSR opposed Soviet nuclear missiles aimed at the United States from the island of Cuba, which led the two blocs to edge of a nuclear war. The crisis has resulted in the withdrawal of these missiles in exchange for a withdrawal of some US nuclear weapons from Turkey and Italy.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 09:40 am 

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- The European Union in the Pentagon’s nuclear strategy -

France no longer possesses the nuclear triad (land, sea and air vectors) since 1996, and the United Kingdom has never had such weaponry. Only the United States, Russia and China enjoy this privilege. In a new document, the commander of the Committee of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff confirms his intention to disarm his allies of their nuclear weapons – thereafter, they will no longer have the right to use their own, but will have to use US bombs.

General of the Marine Infantry, and President of the Joint Committee of Chiefs of Staff, Joseph Dunford, handed out the diplomas to the students of the National Defense University, on 13 June 2019. He took the opportunity to assure them that « It is for the general officers to govern change in an uncertain world ».

The NATO Ministers for Defence (Elisabetta Trenta, M5S, for Italy, and Florence Parly, LREM for France) were convened in Brussels on 26 and 27 June to approve the new measures of « dissuasion » against Russia, which has been accused - with no proof whatsoever - of having violated the INF Treaty. Basically, this means they will fall into step behind the United States, which, by withdrawing definitively from the Treaty on 2 August, is preparing to deploy in Europe ground-based intermediate range nuclear missiles (a range of between 500 and 5,500 kilometres), similar to those from the 1980’s (the Pershing II and the cruise missiles) which were eliminated (with the Soviet SS-20’s) by the Treaty signed in 1987 by Presidents Gorbachev and Reagan.

The major European powers, increasingly divided within the EU, are re-grouped in NATO under US command in order to support their common strategic interests. At the UNO, this same European Union – of which 21 of its 27 members are part of the Alliance (as is the United Kingdom although it is leaving the EU) - rejected the Russian proposition to maintain the INF Treaty. On a matter of such importance, European public opinion is deliberately left in a state of ignorance by their governments and the major medias. In this way we do not notice the growing danger which is threatening us all – the increasing possibility that we may one day suffer the use of nuclear weapons.

This is confirmed by the latest strategic document from the US Armed Forces, Nuclear Operations (11 June), written under the direction of the President of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Given that « our nuclear forces offer the USA the capacity to pursue our own national objectives », the document underlines that they must be « diversified, flexible and adaptable » to a « wide range of adversaries, threats and contexts ». Despite Russian warnings that the use of even one low-power nuclear weapon would begin a chain reaction which could lead to large-scale nuclear conflict, the US doctrine is beginning to orient itself on the basis of a dangerous concept - « flexibility ».

The strategic document affirms that « US nuclear forces give us the means to apply force to a wide range of targets at the time and with the means decided by the President ». Those targets (specifies the same document) are in truth chosen by the Intelligence agencies, who evaluate their vulnerability to a nuclear attack, and also calculate the effects of radioactive fallout. The use of nuclear weapons - emphasises the document - « can create the conditions for decisive results. In particular, the use of a nuclear weapon would fundamentally transform the context of a battle by creating the conditions which would enable the commanders to win the confrontation ».

Nuclear weapons would also enable the USA to « reassure their allies and partners » who, trusting in these weapons, « would give up the idea of possessing their own nuclear weapons, thus participating in the objective of the United States, which is non-proliferation ».

However, the document indicates that « The USA and certain selected NATO allies would be able to keep aircraft capable of carrying both nuclear and conventional weapons ». This is an admission that four countries of the EU which are officially non-nuclear - Italy, Germany, Belgium, Holland – and also Turkey, in violation of the non-proliferation Treaty, are not only storing US nuclear weapons (B-61 bombs which from 2020 will be replaced by the more destructive B61-12), but are prepared to use them in a nuclear attack under command of the Pentagon.

All of this is kept secret by our governments and parliaments, televisions and newspapers, with the guilty silence of the vast majority of politicians and journalists, who nonetheless repeat day after day how important « security » is for we Italians and other Europeans of the Union. It will apparently be guaranteed for us by the US deployment of other nuclear weapons.
Manlio Dinucci

Pete Kimberley

Il Manifesto (Italy)

Attached documents


Nuclear Operations https://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/pdf/Nuclear_Operations-6.pdf

Joint Chiefs of Staff, June 11, 2019.

(PDF - 1.1 Mb)

From : https://www.voltairenet.org/article206862.html

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 16:24 pm 

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The military strategy of the "very aggressive" Russia is purely defensive

By Valentin Vasilescu

Russia is an impenetrable A2 / AD bastion, equipped with high-performance radars and ballistic anti-missile systems, making the entire country's territory impenetrable.

The armies of the United States and major partners in NATO and the Pacific region are based on naval invasion groups, with helicopter carriers and aircraft carriers carrying "invisible" F-35 aircraft radar. With very large invading forces, the command infrastructure is a mosaic of cyber systems that will only be compatible with their deployment in the theater of operations.

Although it is a member of NATO and occupies a strategic position on the Eastern flank of the organization, Romania does not represent much because of the lack of knowledge in military science, considering the plans put in place. implemented by the Ministry of National Defense.

Russia has not adopted the same method as the West, but has invested significant sums in automated equipment in the management of all categories of armed forces. Subsequently, Russia developed C4 I systems (command, control, communications, computer, intelligence) integrating and unifying the categories of theater forces into one command. Each C4 I has its own memory and server facilities with state-of-the-art processing power using microprocessors and satellite communication equipment. A chapter in which Romania shines by its absence even though, in 1989, she had the Almaz 2 complex of aviation management and AA defense during the fighting.

The C4 I is the operational interface of all reconnaissance, electronic warfare and defense weapons systems that has enabled the creation of impenetrable A2 / AD (anti-access / area-denial) bastions. The sensors managed by a C4 I system include conventional and anti-ballistic radar networks (Voronezh VP, DM and M, Daryal, Volga with a range of 2,000 to 6,000 km). At the same time, the C4 I uses Russian OTH radar systems capable of detecting so-called "invisible" aircraft, of the radar type 29B6 Container and Podsolnukh-E. The C4I also manages all electronic warfare equipment preventing aerial and space surveillance, blurring the on-board detection and guidance systems on enemy attack aircraft (1RL257 Krasucha-4, 1L267 Moscow-1 and Borisoglebsk -2).


C4I takes over the air bases (including planes armed with Kinzhal hypersonic missiles and KH-101 "invisible" cruise missiles on the radar), anti-aircraft defense (Pantsir, Buk, S-350, S-400, etc.). Each C4I also subordinates the Iskander M ground-to-ground missile systems, the K-300P Bastion-P and Bal anti-ship systems, the Kalibr and Zirkon cruise missile systems on ships and submarines of the various fleets (Baltic, Black Sea, North Sea), etc.

Russia has established A2 / AD bastions around St. Petersburg, the Kaliningrad enclave, Moscow, Crimea and Latakia Air Base (Syria). What has prevented Romania from building something similar to Dobrogea, even at a microscopic level, in the last 30 years?

Such bastions A2 / AD are being set up around 5 to 6 large airborne bases in the polar zone. The forces belong to the 14th Army Corps of the Russian Army in cooperation with the Russian Northern Fleet and the 6th Air Force which defends the Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and Nenets regions.


Valentin Vasilescu
Aviation pilot, former Deputy Commander of the Military Forces at Otopeni Airport, graduated in Military Science at the Academy of Military Studies in Bucharest 1992.


PostPosted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 22:07 pm 

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The Pentagon is organizing to quickly transport troops in case of war in Europe

The US authorities are seeking to enter into logistic contracts to facilitate the supply of military troops in the event of a war in Europe. In the requests for the suppliers are indicated possible military routes concerning almost all the European countries.


The US Department of Defense is looking for providers for the transport and deployment of military forces in the territory of European countries, it is indicated on the official website of the administration of US public orders.
The announcement https://www.fbo.gov/index.php?s=opportunity&mode=form&tab=core&id=8dfa5bd4ff8dfa09927e6653f64c5210&_cview=1, published on July 12, is constantly updated.

The Ministry of the Armed Forces intends to sign contracts concerning the movement of people and heavy military equipment for the rapid regrouping of US landmines in Europe (United States Army Europe or USAREUR).

The objective of the contracts is to ensure the relocation and rapid deployment of troops as well as logistics for essential military maneuvers. The official request includes approximate routes with border crossing points, customs crossing procedures, main routes and distances. Almost all European territory is concerned, from the United Kingdom to the Baltic countries.

The loading and unloading of military equipment and armored vehicles would be carried out by a range of lifting devices capable of lifting up to 300 tons. Transport across Europe would be carried out using tractor vehicles equipped with trailers moving from 2.4 to 80 tons.

Rigorous requirements are imposed on suppliers and drivers. Buses equipped with air conditioners and toilets should be ready for long journeys without stops. It is further indicated that drivers from a number of countries will not be able to work under contract.

The limited access of United States and NATO military bases to third parties is the subject of a particular point of the request. For example, military transport on the territory of the United Kingdom, Romania and Poland is reserved only for citizens of NATO member states whereas in Spain this is only the case for Spanish. Similar restrictions apply in Italy, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium.

"Military Schengen"

This is not the first time that the US authorities have been paying close attention to logistics in the EU. According to Ben Hodges, one of the US military leaders in Europe, the railway tracks connecting Germany to Poland will be insufficient in case of war while the majority of bridges will not support the weight of the tanks.

He is therefore in favor of the creation of the "Schengen Military Zone" which would allow the rapid delivery of troops through Lithuania to transit countries. In his opinion, supplies for possible military actions in Eastern Europe will be provided via Poland.

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