usnraptor wrote:
I'll gladly take whatever version of AN-2 and UH-1 you currently have available.
Air America UH-1 Huey in Grey is available for download...
The library is fully importable and has helo, shape, skin, HUD file, HUD Graphics, HUD Panel Graphics, Weapons file, Weapons icon files... There are two door guns... FN Mag machine guns. First gun is Right Door, Second gun is Left Door... I added a door gunner that is hard to make out (on purpose since I made the graphics dark on the inside of the UH-1 Huey) The FN MAG is a lot like M60 but CIA liked it better than M60 so I chose it... I also added some rockets and a small metal colored tracer shape to better replicate a bullet... You will need all the files in this library to make the helo work right unless you make changes. I couldn't make my new helo blades without dramatic changes to the skin and shape file. I forgot this helo shape may not be upgradable to my new blades. So I put on a compromise set of helo blades. Let me know what you think, but please bear in mind this is a work in progress so not all the polygons have perfect visibility from all the proper angles yet...
I will get the AN-2 out tomorrow...
PS - Here is an A4 Aggressor skinned version for use in a Topgun Scenario if you want it... The A-4 was to simulate the MiG-17 and was specifically to train Vietnam era F-4 Pilots on how to combat it.
"FAF Shape Meister"
FAF/FA-2 Design team
TSH Member/Developer Forum Administrator
VNFAWING ForumsVNFAWING WebsiteFA Futures/FA-2 is Still Being Worked On and Will Be Released...