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PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 21:10 pm 
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Huey zip file failed to download

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The A-4 file came through

PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 03:16 am 
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The Huey file corrupted during upload. I have re-uploaded it. Try it now...

"FAF Shape Meister"
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 06:26 am 
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The Huey file corrupted during upload. I have re-uploaded it. Try it now...


Also I have been successful in making the Green AN-2 but the skin file is crappy... (See Screenshot). I had all sorts of issues with it crashing the game to desktop as it has a very VERY touchy pallette... Took me a couple of hours tonight just to get it to this level...

To make things simple i have the AN-2 using the Huey HUD since it has a blocky frame just like the AN-2 does... Hope that is ok...

I still have to fix the screwed up tailwheel and I think I have figured out a way to get the top wing to show in the far distance shape which is a major improvement...


"FAF Shape Meister"
FAF/FA-2 Design team
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2019 07:12 am 
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If you can be patient I can work on adapting the following skin to FA for the AN-2 and make some corrections to the shape to better represent the real aircraft.

Let me know if you are interested. If not I will complete adapting the original skin and making the small fixes to the shape and get it out to you right away.


"FAF Shape Meister"
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2019 12:48 pm 
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First, I'd like to say that the Huey is phenomenal. I already had a copy of the A-4, and it too looks awesome.

If the AN-2 is stable the way it is (two posts above), I'll gladly take it now.


PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:04 pm 
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usnraptor wrote:
First, I'd like to say that the Huey is phenomenal. I already had a copy of the A-4, and it too looks awesome.

If the AN-2 is stable the way it is (two posts above), I'll gladly take it now.


Ok I will upload today. I have to fix the tail wheel but that should be a simple fix... Look for it tonight to download.

I am glad you like the Huey. I did a lot of work on her! She is one of my favorites... 8)

"FAF Shape Meister"
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 03:38 am 
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I am working all the final bugs out of the AN-2 Shape...

Tonight I have (so far)..

1) I have fixed the wings/flaps issue (missed part of one of the flaps in the wrong location).
2) Fixed the Tail Wheel.
3) Fixed the Wing Struts.
4)Fixed a hole in the canopy center windscreen.

Still working on...

1) Fixing landing gear location in close and far shape.
2) Fixing second (upper) wing in far shape.
3) Move the roundel location on the port side wing to the second (upper) wing from the lower wing in the close shape
4) Correct the HUD to have a proper cockpit image (I found an actual cockpit image and should be able to add it in with minimal effort).

Hopefully I will finish this remaining work tonight and have it posted for you to download. If not I will post a final update and then complete it tomorrow. Its all slow tedious work but as you know from my Uh-1 Huey I like to do detailed work to get the shapes as correct as I can...

I am still going to finish the A3J/RA-5C Vigilantes for you after this and can give you VF-1 and VF-2 High detailed F-14As if you want them. They flew over Vietnam on MIG CAP during the evacuations....

Let me know after you test out the AN-2 once I complete it (again hopefully tonight)...

Also later on I will be releasing a much more accurate shape and skin for this aircraft for FAF Korea so I will make one of those for you to update your campaign with at that time.

CAG out...

"FAF Shape Meister"
FAF/FA-2 Design team
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 08:13 am 
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Well 2 steps forward but 1 step back... The upper wing still has visibility issues when the flaps are used. I really don't know why but am looking into moving some additional polygons to overlay the current ones on the wings so the flaps wont matter if they make that part of the wing disappear as the new polygons will cover it (Hopefully). The far shape top wing looks good at least... And the Roundel is moved to the upper wing.

So just the flaps issue and the landing gear relocation is all that is left. Will work on it tonight...

"FAF Shape Meister"
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 06:18 am 
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Here is the zip file for the AN-2 ... It contains 2 libs... One with Insignia on the top of the lower wing and the other with the Insignia on the top of the Upper wing... For some reason the insignia disappears when banking when its on the top wing so I am leaving it up to you which you prefer to use...

Things to note...

1) Gave up on moving the landing gear. It kept crashing the shape no matter what I did. Worked on it for 4 hours to no avail so it has the current wider fixed gear.
2) Left it with the UH-1 HUD. The correct HUD would give to little of a view due to its high instrument panel and wasn't practical without a lot of work, plus the textures had to be remapped so I will add it when I upgrade the shape. You have to have the UH1.HUD file and graphics in whatever library you add this aircraft to but that shouldn't be to difficult as you have it with the UH-1 Lib you downloaded. Probably just easiest to make sure you have both aircraft in the same library...

I hope you like it.. I was successful at removing the bad flaps and the far shape now also has the top wing so it doesn't disappear when you start to fly away from it. Also all the fixes I did in the last few days was really worth it. The shape and skin were really unflyable in their previous condition... The skin is better but really not worthy of mention. I would have never released this with this skin but you said you wanted it so here ya go...

"FAF Shape Meister"
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FA Futures/FA-2 is Still Being Worked On and Will Be Released...

Last edited by CAG Hotshot on Sat Nov 16, 2019 07:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 14:59 pm 
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That AN-2 is magnificent. The next time I update the website, I'll include it in the updates and give you credit for it.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 05:12 am 
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usnraptor wrote:
That AN-2 is magnificent. The next time I update the website, I'll include it in the updates and give you credit for it.

I am working on the first update for the AN-2... I have added wing wire braces located between the upper and lower wings, the landing gear has been moved to the proper locations, plus I have corrected the size of the external antenna above the fuselage, and I am working on full wing flaps to restore them to operational use. There are now 2 versions of the aircraft. One An-2 is armed with a pair of FAB-250 bombs and the other AN-2 with a pair of B-8 Rocket Pods. These were the only weapons carried externally by these aircraft in combat. You can also swap out a pair of fuel tanks for extending the range instead of carrying these weapons, but you cant add any other weapons to the aircraft as that would not be realistic... There is also an AK-47 now available to the crew for self defense from helicopters and ground troops... I will upload it and post a link when its completed this week...

"FAF Shape Meister"
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 11:25 am 
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I added side guns to the AN-2 a week ago for self defense. Then I did a quick mission to test it for ground attack. After it dropped its bombs, it flew at ground level (looked like it way taxiing real fast) strafing targets with the guns. I played around with aircraft AI to get it to change, but no luck. It was funny to watch though. It did lead me to get my AC-47 to behave correctly.

I flew the UH-1 last night. The guns would not fire. I'm guessing it is the infinite supply. The rockets fired just fine. The guns did fire when the computer was flying it.

I plan to update my website in a day or two. I'll include the AN-2 with upper insignia.

Thanks for the great work.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 06:43 am 
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usnraptor wrote:
I added side guns to the AN-2 a week ago for self defense. Then I did a quick mission to test it for ground attack. After it dropped its bombs, it flew at ground level (looked like it way taxiing real fast) strafing targets with the guns. I played around with aircraft AI to get it to change, but no luck. It was funny to watch though. It did lead me to get my AC-47 to behave correctly.

I flew the UH-1 last night. The guns would not fire. I'm guessing it is the infinite supply. The rockets fired just fine. The guns did fire when the computer was flying it.

I plan to update my website in a day or two. I'll include the AN-2 with upper insignia.

Thanks for the great work.

Did you use the gun trigger to fire the guns and did you select all the individual guns on the Huey to fire them?

It works perfect for me and have not had any gun issues with it. They all fire fine. It sounds like a joystick or keyboard error...

Try using the space bar after you select each individual gun and see if it fires...

And I had a ton of work dropped in my lap at the last minute this year so I did not get to finish my update on the AN-2.

By the way, what did you have the AN-2 set to do in the mission? Attack ground targets? That PT file is from Kap, so I have not done a lot with it on AI...

"FAF Shape Meister"
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 10:51 am 
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I'm pretty sure I tried everything with shooting the UH-1 guns, but it has been a few weeks now, so I don't remember for sure. I'll have to go back and revisit it (it is a low priority at the moment).

Yes, the AN-2 was set to attack ground targets in a quick mission. I was trying to get it to use its guns like a bomber would. It is no big deal.

I'm currently working on the Rolling Thunder campaign. Has anyone ever made a decent locomotive & rail cars? I've laid a lot of train tracks down on the N Vietnam map, and made a few rail yards, but have no trains. It's a shame the game creators never made trains.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 06:19 am 
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usnraptor wrote:
I'm pretty sure I tried everything with shooting the UH-1 guns, but it has been a few weeks now, so I don't remember for sure. I'll have to go back and revisit it (it is a low priority at the moment).

Yes, the AN-2 was set to attack ground targets in a quick mission. I was trying to get it to use its guns like a bomber would. It is no big deal.

I'm currently working on the Rolling Thunder campaign. Has anyone ever made a decent locomotive & rail cars? I've laid a lot of train tracks down on the N Vietnam map, and made a few rail yards, but have no trains. It's a shame the game creators never made trains.

Trains are under development for FAF but I have nothing to send you right now. Not making trains has been a real problem but I am sure it has to do with the gaming code the way items are set up. Getting around that isnt easy but I hope to make some progress this winter since its to cold to ride and the end of year is over. Its usually a good time for me to work on new stuff...

"FAF Shape Meister"
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