usnraptor wrote:
Yes. What I would do is build the mission as normal, test, modify, etc..
The last change I would make prior to modding the .M file is:
1. I would add one more aircraft and position it 1,000 feet above the spot I want the player aircraft to launch from. Save & exit.
2. Open the .M file, copy the position of the last added aircraft. Delete that aircraft (it should be the last item prior to the beginning of the waypoints list).
3. Paste the location in for the player aircraft, but changing the altitude from 1,000 to zero.
I use a very similar trick when locating wingmen/ wingleaders far away from the player. Such as the case with a couple FAC missions in my Rolling Thunder campaign.
I do similar for formation takeoffs with the wingman and the player on the runway at the same time instead of the default of being behind you...
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