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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2003 13:47 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 07, 2003 19:00 pm
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Does this aircraft carry ECM or chaff and flares? This ABC News article says it doesn't carry chaff and from what I've seen I agree:



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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2003 14:24 pm 
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They may have decided that making a stealthy dispenser was more trouble than it's worth, and early tests may have shown that getting a lock on Nighthawk was virtually impossible anyway.
One thing I have always wondered is what are those hex shaped panels under the rear of the fusalage(the beavertail area) for? In the early pics they were gray and quite visible, I belive there were 5 of them with the center one being the largest.

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2003 19:27 pm 
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Are you talking about the heat absorbing blocks?

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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 00:52 am 
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these are below the tail and face downward, I dont know what they were

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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 16:14 pm 
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Zephyr wrote:
Does this aircraft carry ECM or chaff and flares? This ABC News article says it doesn't carry chaff and from what I've seen I agree:



I have seen a Doc about the F-117 on the discovery channel. It says that it doesnt have any countermeasures.... basically they count on their stealth capabilities...

I think that In the kosovo Nato´s camapaign an serb shot down an F-117 with an SA-9 (im not sure about the SAM) But I´ve read on a military periodic that it was pure luck shot....

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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 19:11 pm 
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The Serb shot was an SA-3 and yes it was a pure luck shot...They got the magic BB.

I would find it extremely hard to believe that the F-117A, as top secret as it is, has no missile defense systems...I mean nothing is invisible and whereas it has the RCS of a seagull you can still get lucky...it prob. has a very sophisticated and intrique ECM system that is highly classified so they say it doesn't have anything, ya know how they say Delta Force doesn't exist...Plus I am sure it has chaff/flare, all modern planes since NAM have them...but remember if you drop chaff/flare or use your ECM you umask yourself so they prob. are only told to use it in the direst of circumstances...

A lot of the info here is a bit questionable.
Yes the F-117 has no AAMs or M61 but they could mount an AIM-9 and in fact it was a plausible idea to shoot down AWACS aircraft, what better than an invisible plane...

They also say its very slow but it isn't...Some sources quote M1.1 as max speed though most say high subsonic (in excess of 600 mph they mean)...doubt they would break or approach the sound barrier because its loud and you can see when a plane is almost supersonic with the air cloud around the plane...so its prob. like the ECM (not used unless direly necessary)...

In the air she is horrible unstable (Wobblin Gobblin) and witout its computer would be impossible to fly..

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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 19:34 pm 
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Centurian"]The Serb shot was an SA-3 and yes it was a pure luck shot...They got the magic BB.

Well it wasnt al luck, there has been talk about the fact that the 117 ocasionaly will pop-up on radar for a spit second, and some talk about how there was use of mutiple radars (3 or so) to trianglulate the possitions of the aircraft. there is a lot of "luck" involved in hitting that little funny looking bastered.

There was a lot of other talk, like that the aircraft was first hit a by AAA and damaged, as well as the an fighter MiG-21 for the Delta sq. took shoots at it. The MiG-21 theory is imposible because they almost never flew during the conflict they spend almost all of their time in underground bunkers. There is also talk about a nother one or two 117's being hit by. If it is true it may have been fragmants of a missile or stray AAA that hit them. But prob nothing.... :D

Go u little bastered go......... :D


August 2nd 2003
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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 20:21 pm 
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BT, the kill shot was an optically tracked SA-3 fired from close range from a vehicle mounted SA-3 battery that was moved into the area becasue NATO was using it to often and it became a predictable access route. You can kill anything if you can see it and guide the weapon optically. Stealth doesnt work against optics..

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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 21:04 pm 
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Plus if you see the damaged F-117 parts you can easily see it was a large frag warhead that took her down.

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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 22:11 pm 
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I have one question. How would the triangluation of an aircraft work by multiple radar? Is it even possilbe?

All I know is that the 117 was downed. Too bad, the lil sucker lost his record. :(


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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 23:20 pm 
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The would triangulate its position by doing just what it says. Use three radars to find the same trace and you can pinpoint a position on a map. In WWII they used to use two beacon lines and they'd shoot them over a target and where they met it was the target. Bombers would see the beacon line and know the target and walla!

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PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2003 08:06 am 
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I know about how they did it in WWII. But would it be possible to actualy fire a guided missille with the triangulation system? That is what I tried to say last time.


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PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2003 14:55 pm 
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Sure is...use one of the radars to guide it...it'd work but it'd be as inaccurate as flak at 40K

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