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 Post subject: Iranian F-14s
PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2003 23:18 pm 
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Yes there is some question as to whether or not the IIAF had any AIM-54s but here's a lil rpoof they did.


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1Lt. Centurian57_76/369th

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 Post subject: re: Pheonixes
PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2003 23:24 pm 

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The lead plane has four Pheonixes, the second aircraft is carrying two Hawks.



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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2003 23:24 pm 
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??? who would question that? As far as I had heard the "sandy claws" had Phoenix, but it was questioned wheather they were left in working order or not, is that what you meant?

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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2003 23:32 pm 
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KAPTOR wrote:
??? who would question that? As far as I had heard the "sandy claws" had Phoenix, but it was questioned wheather they were left in working order or not, is that what you meant?


As in MIM-23s?

No there was some question whether or not Iran recieved its AIM-54As

"Smile, AMRAAMs love you!"
"May the PATRIOTS down the FROGS!"
1Lt. Centurian57_76/369th

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2003 23:41 pm 
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The IIAF received 100 AIM-54A missiles with their F-14A order, however the shelf life of these missiles is limited. They are expected to be fully gone (unless serviced by a secret agreement with one of our friends in NATO). The Iranians have adapted the Hawk SAM for firing from the F-14, but its range is very limited. However it is thought to be an effective bomber interceptor.

The Iranians never received any AIM-54Cs... Just the As..

This is where I personally believe the Soviets were able to develop their long range missiles for the MiG-31s.. the R-33 and R-37s...

Zephyr I like the F-15 avatar...

 Post subject: Re: Iranian F-14s
PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2003 00:08 am 

Joined: Fri Feb 07, 2003 19:00 pm
Posts: 763
Thanks, its one I put in the gallery. That MiG was looking kind of fuzzy. BTW I am willing to host avatars in the requests folder, thats where Leo's avatar is right now. I can also host avatars outside of the gallery incase someone wants it a little harder for someone else to have the same avatar :roll:


 Post subject: Re: Iranian F-14s
PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2003 11:03 am 
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i have been readin up on the Iran-Iraq war and it said that the F-14 used the AIM-54's to some success againts the Iraqi Tu-22 Backfires. Plus the fact that all the F-14 are mostly likly out of service do to lack of spare parts as well as canabilization for parts. They are all prob gone by now or atleast in storige for a rainy day, if any are laft at all.


August 2nd 2003
The 110th Anniversary of Yugolsaivan Aviation!
St. Elias the gardian of the Fighter pilot.

 Post subject: Re: Iranian F-14s
PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2003 11:06 am 
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The AIM-54 and AA-9 link, are questionable. Because when the Iranian forces recived the AIM-54 the AA-9 was in the works for a while. If the AIM-54 did influance the AA-9 it may have not been a mayor impact.


August 2nd 2003
The 110th Anniversary of Yugolsaivan Aviation!
St. Elias the gardian of the Fighter pilot.

 Post subject: Re: Iranian F-14s
PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2003 03:44 am 
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Here is what I came up with for #s of aircraft still in service.

AH-1J Cobra [97]
Boeing 707 [12]
Boeing 747 [8]
C-130E/H Hercules [35]
CH-47C Chinook [12]
F-4D Phantom II [7]
F-4E Phantom II [44]
F-5E/F Tiger II [51]:
F-14A Tomcat [29]
J-7 Fishbed [18]
MiG-29 Fulcrum [28]
Mirage F-1EQ [24]
RF-4E Phantom II [6]
Su-22M Fitter [40]
Su-24MK Fencer [50]
Su-25 Frogfoot [7]

Many are in storage.

"Smile, AMRAAMs love you!"
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 Post subject: Re: Iranian F-14s
PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2003 04:23 am 
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Av-Week 2003 Source Book gives 'em 20 Tommy 2 Tails, but it's all highly subjective unless some one goes and counts them.

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

 Post subject: Re: Iranian F-14s
PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2003 17:58 pm 
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You couldn't pay me enough to go into that hell hole........

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