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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 14:59 pm 
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Big, two things.

1 - If the Nazis had gotten nukes, they would have been able to deliver them to the US - the V4 could reach New York easily.

2 - You miss the basic premise of our discussion, which is that the US Army of 1939-40 is defending the territory that is France. The point is, the Wehrmacht and SS would have defeated any army of the time on that territory within 8 weeks.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 15:10 pm 
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Big again you missed my point, remeber when I said the French were still mentaly in WWI?

That were the Maginot line come from, their officer core was 'half ass,' they belive in direct deffencive warefare, thats how they were able to fair againts the Italians in the south relativly well compared to the Germans.

NVA I thikn you're giveing the 8 week estimate realtivly generously, because even with the help of other allied nations France lasted six weeks. i mean that was astonishing military victory!! :shock:


August 2nd 2003
The 110th Anniversary of Yugolsaivan Aviation!
St. Elias the gardian of the Fighter pilot.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 15:13 pm 
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Perhaps it is generous, but I say that because the US Army likely would not have surrendered at the point where the French did.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 15:21 pm 
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Ye that is true the Americans are very stubern :D , learn from the French damn you!!!!! :D

But when you look at it their army at the time was less then half a million, that is six times less then the French, they would have not been able to with stand a attack by Germans from the east and Italy from the south. The line would have been to thin to withstand for too long.


August 2nd 2003
The 110th Anniversary of Yugolsaivan Aviation!
St. Elias the gardian of the Fighter pilot.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 15:40 pm 
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Yes, but suppose the Geographical U.S. was connected to Europe during WW2 for example, and we weren't protected by our vast oceans.

I'd say our terrain would have allowed us to kick the nazis right out. I'd say an invasion of the U.S. is much more discouraging than an invasion of Switzerland (which Hitler chickened out on).


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 15:42 pm 
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NVA der DDR wrote:
Big, two things.

1 - If the Nazis had gotten nukes, they would have been able to deliver them to the US - the V4 could reach New York easily.

2 - You miss the basic premise of our discussion, which is that the US Army of 1939-40 is defending the territory that is France. The point is, the Wehrmacht and SS would have defeated any army of the time on that territory within 8 weeks.

And exactly how many V4s hit the U.S.?


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 15:45 pm 
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BiG this was never about the US terrain, but yes I agree with you on that, the terrian as wast as that would have alloved time to regroup and reamed, just like the wast Ruaasian terrain allowed them to do the same.

But if it was France the US were deffending they would have fallen fast, because out of the some 460,000 military personel only 230,000 or so were in the army. That is way to little to a country like France.

On second thought with that little people it could be possible for Germany and its allies if they acted fast to over run the country, only if Hitler were to keep his fingers out of it.


August 2nd 2003
The 110th Anniversary of Yugolsaivan Aviation!
St. Elias the gardian of the Fighter pilot.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 15:48 pm 
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None, because Hitler was an idiot and had resources diverted away from the development of the V-4. But that's not the point :)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 16:03 pm 
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NVA I agree with you the man was nuts, he took complete control of the war for Germany. He made many mistakes, he didnt care about how good his machines were but how many he had.

He was justv nuts.


August 2nd 2003
The 110th Anniversary of Yugolsaivan Aviation!
St. Elias the gardian of the Fighter pilot.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 19:21 pm 
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Had Hitler not delayed the development of the Me-262 then they might have stood a chance......


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 19:34 pm 
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da big man! wrote:
Had Hitler not delayed the development of the Me-262 then they might have stood a chance......

If they would have waited till 1943 to start the war, developing the V3 and V4 properly and the Me262 and other jets and lulled the rest of the world into a sense of security by not making any hostile foreign policy, they would have won.

Good that Hitler was an idiot ;)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 20:41 pm 
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Hitler didnt delay the Me262, he ordered it to be converted into a bomber, what a moron LOL.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 20:52 pm 
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He was a freak, his whole invasion of *ussia was supposedly to grab land for his "master race" to flourish on.


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 20:56 pm 
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Tank_77th wrote:
Hitler didnt delay the Me262, he ordered it to be converted into a bomber, what a moron LOL.

Indeed. Should have kept building the 262 as a fighter and accelerated development of the Arado bombers...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 22:36 pm 
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The Nazi's reached New York. In a secret mission, the Nazi's had sent one of their long-range experimental bombers to New York just to see if they could reach it and they did. Didn't do anything, just RTB'd but yes they would have used that nuke that they were trying to make on New York, that is true.

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