1) I disagree with your assessment of French arms in 1940...
They had superior tanks and aircraft to the Germans, and more of them. They tanks were thicker armored and had heavier guns. They had fighters equal to or superior to the then available ME-109s and ME-110s.. They had superior ranged and qty or artillery. They had the maginot line fortifications if properly supported and extended to cover their entire frontier would have been quite formidable. They had a much larger navy and access to all three naval areas of conflict, the channel, the atlantic, and the med...
They simply had no will to win, antoher words... no guts, no glory!
2) The Germans would have lost on D-Day no matter what ground forces they had at their disposal.. The allies had full and complete air superiority. THey would have intradicted any major movements of armor on D0Day. If the Germans had larger forces the allies would have inclrease the size and scope of the invasions and used 3rd army in the invasion instead of two weeks later. The results would have been the same becasue wars are won or lost by logistical support, not tactical maneuver..
1) Ok the French had many good tanks and planes but did not deploy them properly. Many of the planes they did have were older models, the newer tank models were available but were harder to produce and too few were available. If you look at their Char B-1
It was considered the best tank in the bigging of WWII, and yes on paper looks very formitable with a 75mm guh and a 47mm. Now here the drawback the 75mm is fixed!!!! NO MOTION!!!! Being almost 3m tall and 6.5m long it makes for a big target. But the good news is that its frontal armor was the strongest of all the tanks. now with the weight of 31500kg and max spd on road of 27km of road about 20!!! Now the turning ratious is questionable, but it is said to had a big radious and was slow at it. Now on paper the 75mm with 77 shells, and 47mm 50 shells and heavy armor sounds great!
YAY 75mm YAY
But in reaitly its size and a fixed 75mm gun made it hard to use properly. If you take out one of the tracks the tank become a fixed turret, it cant hit anything unless its right infront of it, except with the 47mm.
Also less the 500 were build before the war due to the complexity of the tank construction. Many other French tanks suffered from gun barrels that were too short and made for a loss of punch.
2) If were are to talk of the Air Superiorty we must consider that if the Germans never fought in Russia and won in Africa, there would have been a lot more resources given to the Luftwaffe, just think of all the equipment lost on the eatern front. If the Luftwaffe was upto the level of 1940 or 1941 (improved in numbers and eqipment ofcourse to compisate for the influx of allied mostly US equipment) there could have been a different outcome in the alied ability to provide air support.
Ye I know i love that pic too, I love the while J-22!
DPRK airforce
How dare you use that for DPRK, are you trying to say something to me?
BiG dont forget the English, they also tried to baby Hitler and give him what he wants, at first.
August 2nd 2003
The 110th Anniversary of Yugolsaivan Aviation!
St. Elias the gardian of the Fighter pilot.