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 Post subject: suggestions?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 06:36 am 
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Joined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 00:26 am
Posts: 1409
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ok here is my weapons list for KAPSET3, I have a weapon slot opened up since Skyflash apparently was never used on any of my planes ( I think I was going to do an ADV Tornado but just cant stand the camo version) So what do you think I should add in the way of a weapon or pod?

$20MM_4.PIC -LowRateForHelos
$256.PIC - Tunguska Gun
$2A42.PIC - 2A42 gun
$2S6.PIC - TunguskaGun
$A6.PIC - Sorbitsiya Jammer
$A7.PIC - Sky Shadow Jammer pod
$A7R.PIC - Damocles Pod
$AA10.PIC - Alamo
$AA10B.PIC - Alamo
$AA10C.PIC - Alamo RE
$AA10D.PIC - Alamo TE
$AA11.PIC - AA-11 Archer Icon
$AA11B.PIC - Apex
$AA12.PIC - R-77 Adder
$AA2.PIC - AA-2D Atoll Icon
$AA6.PIC - AA-6 Acrid Icon
$AA8. - AGM-114 K
$AAS38.PIC - Cossack Flir
$AC130I.PIC - Vyyuga SAM pod
$ADENIN.PIC -ADEN internal gun <----basically the same as DEFA, kept DEFA this slot is now also open

$AEMP1.PIC - Gabrial III
$AGM45.PIC -AGM-45B Shrike Icon
$AGM65A.PIC - AGM-65A Maverick Icon
$AGM84A.PIC -AGM-84A Harpoon Icon
$AGM88.PIC -AGM-88 HARM Icon
$AIM120.PIC -AIM-120 AMRAAM Icon
$AIM54C.PIC - AIM-54C Phoenix Icon
$AIM7.PIC - AIM-7M Sparrow Icon
$AIM7E.PIC -AIM-7E Sparrow Icon
$AIM9B.PIC - AIM-9B Sidewinder Icon
$AIM9M.PIC - AIM-9M Sidewinder Icon
$AIM9X.PIC - AIM-9X Sidewinder Icon
$ALQ167.PIC - AN_ALQ_131
$AM39.PIC - AM-39 Exocet Icon
$AM92.PIC - AIM-9x2
$AS14.PIC - AS-10 Karen
$AS15.PIC - AS 15 Kent
$AS16.PIC - AS-16 Kickback Icon
$AS30.PIC - AS 30L Icon
$AS7.PIC - PL-12
$ASROC.PIC - Skipper
$AT12.PIC - Torpedo
$AT2.PIC - AT-2 Swatter Icon
$BK27.PIC - Durandel
$BLU82.PIC - Daisey cutter
$BMP2.PIC - HaveNap
$BTR80.PIC - AGM-130
$C_105.PIC - Howie MBT cannon
$C_40.PIC - Bofors
$CBU87.PIC - CBU-87 single
$DAMOCLE.PIC - Damocles pod
$F4BR.PIC - Volga Lazer pod
$FAB250.PIC - FAB-250 M62 Icon
$FIM92.PIC - Stingerx2
$FIM92x2.PIC- $FIM92.PIC
$GBU27.PIC - GBU27
$GSH23.PIC - Multi for Migs
$GSH6.PIC - Gun for Flankers
$GSH6_23.PIC- Gun For Su-25
$HQ2J.PIC - Brimstone
$HTSpod.PIC - HTS pod
$JAKB12.PIC - JAKB12 gun
$JP233.PIC - JP233
$KAB15.PIC - KAB-1500
$KAB15K.PIC - KAB-1500KR IR guided
$KAB250.PIC - KAB-250
$KAZOO.PIC - AS-18 Kazoo
$KH41.PIC - KH-41Moskit
$KS12.PIC -APACHE Missle
$LAU61.PIC -Hydra Pod
$LRARTY.PIC - Call for arty
$M1.PIC - Kegler
$M113.PIC - Krypton the AS-17 <----------
$M163.PIC - AS-20 Uran
$M2.PIC - CBU 87 icon
$M230.PIC - ChainGun
$MICA.PIC - Mica Icon
$MIS.PIC - Mistral
$MK20.PIC - MK20
$MK203.PIC -RockeyeTER
$MK20x6.PIC - MK20x6
$MK82HD.PIC - SmallSmartBomb
$MK82P.PIC -MK-82 snakeye MER
$MK82P3.PIC - MK82
$MK82S3.PIC - Mk-82 Snakeye TER
$MK83.PIC - MK-83
$PAVEKNF.PIC - Sniper pod
$PHALANX.PIC - for M163 and ships
$PL10.PIC -Chinese PL-10 Icon <----gone now available slot
$PL7.PIC - Chinese PL-7 Icon
$PYTHON3.PIC - Python 3
$PYTHON4.PIC- Python4
$R440.PIC - AT-16 Vikhr
$R530.PIC - Super 530D
$R550.PIC - R-550 Magic 2
$RBK2503.PIC -RBK-250 TER
$RECCE.PIC - Recon Pod
$SA14B.PIC - SA14Grail
$SA15.PIC - Starstreak
$SA17.PIC - SA-17 Grizzly
$SA19.PIC - BL755
$SA3.PIC -Trigat
$SA6.PIC - Gainful
$SA8.PIC - Gecko
$SAN11.PIC - Meteor
$SAN3.PIC - Skyflash <----------gone, slot now available
$SKYSWD1.PIC - Tien Chen 1
$SKYSWD2.PIC- Tien Chen 2
$SUU16.PIC - SUU-16 Gun Pod
$T20_1.PIC - AT-6 Spiral x8
$T23_1.PIC - BGL-1000 LGB
$T30_1.PIC -HOT3 X2
$T72.PIC -C802 icon
$Taurus.PIC - Taurus
$ZSU23.PIC - Shilka gun

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

Last edited by KAPTOR on Thu Aug 21, 2003 00:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: suggestions?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 10:20 am 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
Posts: 4437
Well, not all of the icons in the list are described so I am uncertain exactly if those still represent default weapons or imported ones?

However I would think about introducing either the AT12 or AT16 for those great Russkie choppers, or both if you ditch the PL-10 since evidently it was never fielded by the Chinese...

 Post subject: Re: suggestions?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 13:27 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2003 17:50 pm
Posts: 198
Alright I just basically wrote an article on what I'm about to say TWICE already and it pissed me off so much I had to give it 1 more go lol this could go on the VNFAWING website even; anyway this forum is getting on my nerves with post modes not being specified? Here I go again... and Kap this isn't directed to you it is a more general target.

I stress that minimal objects and maximum graphics should be considered in future FA libraries. The FA Community is not blind; we have to look at these objects when we fly online, so quit trying to fool people with shapes that aren't the real shape. My point here is simple... we have to quit making libs that aim to make Fighters Anthology a warfare reference book and instead we need a mod that make this game fun again. Why do you think the FA online community has never fully adopted one primary lib? It is because none of the libs are better than the default game in online play thus far. You can't try to copy another game like USAF alright... example: These libs with guns that have thin overpowering/too fast orange lines for gun rounds. If I want licorice I'll go buy some at the local variety store... no gunner who has been playing FA wants to have an online gunfight with a lasso flying out of their nose, in that example it is much more preferred to fly with the default guns.

Now, speaking of these other games let’s be realistic here and rather than copying every other feature they have, copy what has made them successful. And I'm not just talking graphics I mean the total number of weapons/aircraft. Games like USAF (after mod) and LO:MAC can easily get by with 30 aircraft (approximately). It's because people don't want to spend 10 minutes choosing a plane online and they don't want to spend another 20 at the load out screen, besides the game would timeout by then anyway. We don't need 12 F-16, 5 F-14s, or 10 Aim-9 variants. Start considering what people can have fun with online and as a whole, graphics should be primary as it is the number 1 reason why people stopped playing FA.


 Post subject: Re: suggestions?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 14:27 pm 
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I have the AT-16, it's as the R440 in the list.

Jimbo you and I couldent POSSIBLY dissagree more on this topic !!!!! If you want eye candy go play F4 or USAF, people dont play with LIBs cause of the cheats.

FAs golden glow comes from it's versatility, no other sim can come ANYWHERE near it on that subject !!! Yes the shapes are a problem but it's what we have to work with, hopefully we'll get to change that.

I dont play USAF or F4 much because they are BOOOORING after 20 minits, same ole same ole. 12 year olds LOVE the eye candy sims for 2 weeks then they go play UT or some FPS because they are boooring. I dont want a "realistic" sim that takes 20 minits to get the motor (it's a motor NOT an engine BTW) warmed up and chocks out. At leaste you refrained from the snobbish term "survey sim" which is usually directed at FA and a few others!

Where are the new sims? We got Strike Fighters and LOMAC(someday) because sims dont sell anymore, the kids buy them based on the box art, try them and either get frustrated by thier "realism" or bored by the lack of anything truly interesting , their freinds come over, get bored with it and dont purchase the game, and the copies end up in the discount bin along with "Teletubbies-Attack of the Daisys" or the latest Disney cross promotional drek.

Lets push realism to the MAX in FA but NOT at the expense of what makes it special. <end of diatribe, returning to Lib building mode>

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

 Post subject: Re: suggestions?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 15:09 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2003 17:50 pm
Posts: 198
hmmm You don't follow, not sure when I even saw you fly online? People would surely fly with one modification, it isn't about cheating as you can create programs to easily detect any other file that shouldn't be there while the game is running. I personally hate every other flight sim other than FA because none matchup. I'm simply using these other better looking sims as a contrast. FA is fine as it is, the point u picked up on was about how versatile FA is, however I'm not saying lose 100+ aircraft from the game I'm saying don't duplicate them so many damn times, just make each one better. The problem is the definition of better for SOME developers here is goaling for other flight sims like USAF (my gun example)... I'm the one who's always stuck with FA from the beginning, never bashed it, and I continue to fly it online at HyperLobby. The "eye candy" I'm referring to is only a bonus that most libs need, you're saying go play games like F4 or USAF... the thing is that is exactly it, too many pilots make that simple choice, and you're letting them and therefore we're losing them, don't give them any ideas.

Don't get me confused here either, I'm far beyond what you're thinking I'm talking in the future once we break this game into accessible pieces and we can import 3d shape files and use full 24 bit palettes far beyond your mindset of JUST editing information. I said what you're doing is fine so chill it is just that what you're doing is just a part of the whole picture, however what you're doing is only enough for a small current group... I'm thinking more along the lines of CAG and how we need to bring people back and bring newcomers in as for too many years I was at the same point you were without any real answers, if one solid mod is built then their won't be an issue, if only we could all work together.


 Post subject: Re: suggestions?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 18:25 pm 
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ok, my point on the eye candy is that we'll NEVER come close to what else is out there(graphics wise) UNTIL CAG or whoever can truly crack it wide open. So were probly closer to agreeing than dissagreeing, but I still say versatility MUST be the main thrust in FA not graphics at the expense of that versatility. Hopefully there will be room for all of it. I think the multiple F-5s and ASTOVLs and X31s is stupid and nonsense but I keep what I can because I LIKE playing the campaigns and especially the single mission games and these planes are featured in them . I have used several ASTOVLs for my F-35s and one X-31 for my Bushido (finally got that stupid X-31 "sticky HUD" thing fixxed LOL) but I leave most of the rest alone.

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

 Post subject: Re: suggestions?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 20:53 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 07, 2003 19:00 pm
Posts: 763
Guys I'm sorry to break it to you but you're not going to pull alot of people back to FA. The newest flight sims are incredibly weak in the market as it is and the fact of the matter is increased realism, scalable realism, and eye candy all sell for flight sims and FA has limits to all of those. Don't worry about the numbers of people playing your lib or how much glory you get, just mod it to how you want the game to be for yourself, and then let people fly it if they want to. Now CAG with FA 2.... you're against the odds but more power to you, take a cue from X-Plane maybe. 8)


 Post subject: Re: suggestions?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 21:48 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2003 17:50 pm
Posts: 198
Well all I can hope for is that everyone keeps flying. I just hate having this life thing in the way, schooling, my beautiful girl, career and family. I'll always be around to help though, so if anyone does want some skinning done just ask. Also Zeph you mention how weak flgiht sims are in the new market I think another reason is the types of games now... for example Soldier of Fortune 2 and Quake and all those popular very diff. genre games are massively popular. Times be changing, and I must say games like Soldier of Fortune 2 are a blast to play because it is all hands on, but with their popularity are hackers.


 Post subject: Re: suggestions?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 00:23 am 
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so can we get back to the most important thing in the world, ME ME ME!! Any more suggestions for my weapons list?

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

 Post subject: Re: suggestions?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 12:16 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 07, 2003 19:00 pm
Posts: 763
I give tough suggestions when it comes to weapon slots so don't take any offense if I sound pushy. As CAG said the PL-10 isn't in use and so with your PL-12 and Russian missiles the Chinese aircraft should have enough to equip them. I'd say get rid of that Sidewinder 2 pack and just split the hardpoints for whatever would carry them; yeah 2 missile pylons are possible for alot planes but how often have you actually seen them carry that in combat? Also I don't see ADENPOD.PIC showing up, which IIRC should be in by default. I think if you're not using that you can make a new ADENPOD.JT without breaking your buffer as it's a default slot. I'm not sure how much difference there is between the AIM-120As and the C-5s or whatever is in use now, if there is a difference it might be worthwhile to put in two AMRAAMs, but actually I think the Cs got in to service rather quickly. Along these lines maybe a AIM-54A Pheonix for any A model Tomcats you have. Maybe a new "middle era" Sidewinder of the type used by allies, like the J or P model. Or maybe make an IR version for your Apex and Acrid as the dual seeker options were rather important in Soviet doctrine.


 Post subject: Re: suggestions?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 15:29 pm 
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ah, now were talkin!! $ADEN is in there just a lot to pick through lol. Need the twin winder for the A-10 and those "you against the universe" misions in FA, but yeah the Chinese missle can go(so yet another slot hee hee) I dont have an early Tom so I wont go with an early AIM-54. I may change the AMMRAAM A to a C, dont remember if I need the twinrail 120 lancher or not (maybee yet ANOTHER slot open lol). Dont know if I want to "waste" slots on almost ancient Sov missles, but just might. What about air to ground weapons? see anything missing here? Might be worth adding some SAMs since I consolidated a LOT of them early on.

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

 Post subject: Re: suggestions?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 16:00 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
Posts: 4437
Howdy all, sorry it took me so much longer to come back to respond... been buried at work!


I see where you are coming from, however I am sure I have helped to lead you to your frustration with multiple versions of the Eagle, Viper, Hornet, and Tomcats, etc. However I did this for different skins to more realeastically portray the squadrons that will fight the upcoming war in the FA Futures Campaign Manager. The new eye candy for the skins is related to each squadron they represent... Thus so many different versions of the same aircraft to better show the different tail codes for each squadrons and the tail codes in the title area so you can keep track of different squadrons around you from a distance with the alt-T command giving you the information and the AWACs screen also when you drill down...

But also for different default loadouts to better represent what those squadrons specialities represent Like the F-16s and F-4 in the 13th and 14th Fighter Squadrons... The different CAG versions of the F-14s and F-18s, plus their standard low vis brethern so you can give some more reality to a Alpha Strike Package, B-52s in older light grey and more modern dark grey all have different tail codes, etc...(BTW did you even notice this in FA Futures?). And tied the naval aircraft to their specific airwings deployed to specific aircraft carriers, so if the carrier is sunk the aircraft will either have been destroyed to transferred to ground airbases...

I also modelled as much reality as I could into the choppers(Kaps FMs!!) and my fighters and bombers and even cargo aircraft(takeoff and landing rollouts, reverse thrusters for realastic landings, time to altitude climb rates, etc.), all new weapons you have not even seen yet (Like the all new Durandel, absolutley realeastic now...), because I believe the future for FA is indeed eye candy AND realism... So I sort of straddle the fence...

Its what I think gives the most to the end users... Its my vision...

CAG out...

 Post subject: Re: suggestions?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 17:23 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 07, 2003 19:00 pm
Posts: 763
Earlier I said ADENPOD.JT, but actually the two Adens are ADEN.JT and ADENIN.JT. I don't see ADENIN.JT in your list so you might have a slot there, and I think it should work without the vanishing ECM as its a default weapon. For ATG ordnance I recommend the AS-17 Kh-31 Krypton if you don't have it already. It's arguably the most important modern Russian ATG weapon.


 Post subject: Re: suggestions?
PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 00:50 am 
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Joined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 00:26 am
Posts: 1409
Location: Mid-Coast USA
I updated the list with the present state of my lib

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

 Post subject: Re: suggestions?
PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 02:07 am 
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Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 17:12 pm
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Zephyr wrote:
Earlier I said ADENPOD.JT, but actually the two Adens are ADEN.JT and ADENIN.JT. I don't see ADENIN.JT in your list so you might have a slot there, and I think it should work without the vanishing ECM as its a default weapon. For ATG ordnance I recommend the AS-17 Kh-31 Krypton if you don't have it already. It's arguably the most important modern Russian ATG weapon.


I dunno though, for that purpose (ATG) the As-20 is a fine work of art and its only a mere 1065 lb.

"Smile, AMRAAMs love you!"
"May the PATRIOTS down the FROGS!"
1Lt. Centurian57_76/369th

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