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 Post subject: PT selection ICONs
PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 20:48 pm 
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Joined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 00:26 am
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Location: Mid-Coast USA
why is the F/A-18 the default plane selection ICON (the little airplane pics where you choose your plane in the campaigns) for so many of the planes in FA (but not for some like F-117 and F-16)? I assume there is a line in the PT file that sets this, does anybody know where it is?

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

 Post subject: Re: PT selection ICONs
PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 23:31 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 07, 2003 19:00 pm
Posts: 763
There's a window in the Toolkit that does this. But I'm not sure if it "sticks" through this window or if PT file editing is required. It should be at the bottom of the PT file with the HUD and hardpoint loads.


 Post subject: Re: PT selection ICONs
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 01:35 am 
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Joined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 00:26 am
Posts: 1409
Location: Mid-Coast USA
yeah I finally got the HUDs to stick with some PT tweaking, I'll have a look, nothing else to do tonight anyway lol (near burnout on the patch so I'm cooling it tonight hee hee)

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

 Post subject: Re: PT selection ICONs
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 01:39 am 
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Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 17:12 pm
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I would assume that if you select the PTS file you want it'll automatically change to that regardless. Unfortunately it creates the PTS file and I hate those things, they just take up space so...

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 Post subject: Re: PT selection ICONs
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 03:21 am 
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Joined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 00:26 am
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Location: Mid-Coast USA
yeah there is nothing obvious in the PT file regarding this, will have to tinker with some cutting and pasting I guess. Annoying to have an F-35 in the campagn with A hornet ICON.

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

 Post subject: Re: PT selection ICONs
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 13:28 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
Posts: 4437
It is definately the PTS file, however just like the default created HUD file from teh toolkit, it doesnt seem to really do anything.

You will need to access the default PTS files for editing, jsut as we did the default .HUD files for creating new HUDs...

Zephyr may be able to show you how to hack the TK to access them..

And while I am at it...

Zephyr... is there a ways to hack the TK cache file to allow us to access the ~_W.PIC(such as ~F4_W.PIC) files for the HUDs? I am uncertain what exactly these PIC files do, but I am hoping they are the transparency for the rear section of the F1 cockpit view when you do the head swivel that does not show any of the aircraft (vs the F2 view which does show the external view). If they do then editing these files and adding graphics may allow us to create full rear view cockpits...

Think you could give me some pointers on how to hack the cache.M file to access these?

CAG out...

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