CAG Hotshot wrote:
Yikes! That is all you put into it? When I build missions I plan them out from the defensive side first, as they will not know the plans of the offense, then I build the offense to overcome the known weakness of the defenses and how to minimize threats. THen I work in a preplanned travel cooridor that needs to be 'sanitized' by supporting SEAD flights, then I work in the CAP postions for suoorting MIG killers, then I work in the awacs and jstars and the CSAR support flights and the refuelling aircraft position...
Then I build the mission briefing from a professional aspect drawing in information on known threats, recon of the target, and possible mission limiters...
Then I bundle it all up and build the mission... takes quite a while but the missions are very indepth as a result...
That's all done automatically in my brain LOL. I got some that I built that I tell you I can't even beat.