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 Post subject: Attn: Cag
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 01:38 am 
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Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 17:12 pm
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Hey Cag I got a minor problem with Viper's Venom & The Eagle's Talon. The FARC is supposed to be German so that it is naturally an allie but when it is taken over it goes to enemy so the idea is that I can just make that enemy because nothing else is German. Following? Well unfortunately it appears to be American in a ton of missions from #36 up to possibly 100. This is a problem in campaign mode because you are flying American F-16CJs, F-15Cs, and F-15Es and you know how a campaign works, if you can land at an American base anywhere on the map it is an MF unless you are there. So I have to tinker and toy around with it so if you were doing any work with these two campaigns (missions 36 - 100) please suspend it until I can update, which should be soon, possibly tomorrow.

"Smile, AMRAAMs love you!"
"May the PATRIOTS down the FROGS!"
1Lt. Centurian57_76/369th

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 Post subject: Re: Attn: Cag
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 11:37 am 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
Posts: 4437
Not a problem Cent! Since I am testing these missions to adapt them to FA Futures, all the nationalities will have to be reviewed anyway.

But thanks for the heads up!

CAG out...

 Post subject: Re: Attn: Cag
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 17:26 pm 
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Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2003 19:11 pm
Posts: 2154
#137 - 165 also have briefing errors...


 Post subject: Re: Attn: Cag
PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 18:04 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
Posts: 4437
When will you have them all corrected?

 Post subject: Re: Attn: Cag
PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 18:53 pm 
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Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2003 19:11 pm
Posts: 2154
Very soon. The rate of mission production for me lately is phenominal in upwards of 5 - 10 a day. Yes that doesn't seem like a lot but to build 5 to 10 more like 15 of them with both MP/SP sets & briefings is a lot.


 Post subject: Re: Attn: Cag
PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 19:10 pm 
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Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 18:58 pm
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Location: Charleston, USA
Damn, I couldn't even handle 5 a week. I think it's obvious why I gave up........a huge FA burnout doesn't help things either.


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 Post subject: Re: Attn: Cag
PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 19:24 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
Posts: 4437
WOW I wish I had that kind of time!! I would have the FA Futures Campaign Manger up and running in no time if I could apply myself like that! I envy you Cent!

CAG out...

 Post subject: Re: Attn: Cag
PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 20:21 pm 
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Doesnt take very long. 15 Minutes for the M sometimes 30 max.


 Post subject: Re: Attn: Cag
PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 19:17 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
Posts: 4437
Yikes! That is all you put into it? When I build missions I plan them out from the defensive side first, as they will not know the plans of the offense, then I build the offense to overcome the known weakness of the defenses and how to minimize threats. THen I work in a preplanned travel cooridor that needs to be 'sanitized' by supporting SEAD flights, then I work in the CAP postions for suoorting MIG killers, then I work in the awacs and jstars and the CSAR support flights and the refuelling aircraft position...

Then I build the mission briefing from a professional aspect drawing in information on known threats, recon of the target, and possible mission limiters...

Then I bundle it all up and build the mission... takes quite a while but the missions are very indepth as a result...

 Post subject: Re: Attn: Cag
PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 23:55 pm 
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Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2003 19:11 pm
Posts: 2154
CAG Hotshot wrote:
Yikes! That is all you put into it? When I build missions I plan them out from the defensive side first, as they will not know the plans of the offense, then I build the offense to overcome the known weakness of the defenses and how to minimize threats. THen I work in a preplanned travel cooridor that needs to be 'sanitized' by supporting SEAD flights, then I work in the CAP postions for suoorting MIG killers, then I work in the awacs and jstars and the CSAR support flights and the refuelling aircraft position...

Then I build the mission briefing from a professional aspect drawing in information on known threats, recon of the target, and possible mission limiters...

Then I bundle it all up and build the mission... takes quite a while but the missions are very indepth as a result...

That's all done automatically in my brain LOL. I got some that I built that I tell you I can't even beat.


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