I am going to incorporate this into my World War III Set. Originally the Russia/Ukraine campaign was going to be a reincorporation of "For Whom the Bell Tolls" but the Russian carrier fleet was sunk in 2005 off Korea and well FWBT requires a carrier and also the Ukraine campaign is 2006. So it will be renamed Operation Breadbasket and moved to the Russia Part I part of World War III. It will be 50 missions and I'm working on planning now as Operation Backyard Brawl Part I is 15 missions from completion.
Once Russia Part I is completed, parts 1 - 7 will be done and therefore leaving only 430 missions to go (135 in China, 175 in Russia Part II, 40 in Balkans, and 80 in Indian Subcontinent).
PS: In OPBreadbasket, you still fly for the Ruskies and you get to sink the Eisenhower CVSG.
_________________ Centurian