Cant remember how to make a ship engage targets but not turn the ship towards the target...
Another words, it isn't realistic for a ship to turn towards an aircraft to engage it...
I want to make the ship slew its weapons, which are set to auto slew, but not turn its hull towards me when flying an attacking aircraft.
So what settings do I change when building a ship to accomplish that? I used to know how to do that but its been to many years...
Read this in the editing tips but will it work for vertically launched sams and antiship missiles?
How to have missiles on ships and vehicles aim at 180 degrees automatically.
There are two ways to get this to happen. One, is to make the missile a gun in the toolkit. In the missile's main editing window, change it's TYPE to Gun, and then in the Ordnance Info menu check "Object is a Gun". Because missiles are not slewed in Fighters Anthology, but guns are, the ship or vehicle will slew now the weapon. Another way is to keep it tagged a missile, but edit a line in the .JT file toward the bottom. This line controls the horizontal field of view (FOV) for the missile when loaded on vehicles and ships. Here's an example excerpt from the .JT file:
"byte 31 <-------- AI vehicle horizontal FOV (change to 180 for all aspect firing)
word 1400
word 1668
word 0
word 120
word 260
word 5460
word 2730
byte 100
byte 100
============ Section removed to save space =============
word 0
word 750
word 35
;---------------- END OF PROJ_TYPE ----------------
string "SA-3"
string "SA-3 Goa"
string "SA3.JT"
string "goa.SH"
string "&salmis.11k"
string "SA-3"
string "SA-3 Goa"
string "SA3.JT"
string "&saltmis.11k"
"FAF Shape Meister"
FAF/FA-2 Design team
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