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Aircraft ECM system and self-defence expendible information.
Zephyrnet Forums Deactivated.
The most recent previous forum, hosted at Lycos UK.
Boardnation Forums
A previous forum archive, at Boardnation.
Network 54 Forums Deactivated.
The Fighters Anthology Resource Center's first forum, hosted by Network 54.

All links are in alphabetical order.

Fighters Anthology Links


EF Combat Net A site offering a program and game rooms to enable multiplayer games in several flight simulators including FA.
HyperLobby Online Gaming System A flightsims game launch site for several flightsims, including Fighters Anthology.
Gaming Lobbies

369thTFW_PMC_Headquarters A group dedicated to mission creation and trading.
Air Combat Central A group focused on flight simulations and real world military aviation.
Eagle's Play Ground Group A group for FA lib builders and fans in general.
FA Hanger Group A group dedicated to sharing files for Fighters Anthology and other simulators.
Red Bear Group For discussion and downloads of Red Bear's Project FTRON.
Sim Improvement HQ A group dedicated to enhancing flight simulations, specifically Jane's Fighters Anthology and USAF.
VNFA Group The group section of the VNFA Sim Development Center for FA lib builders and editors.
Fighters Anthology Groups

ACIDAnArChY's FA/AGFG homepage A site with tips for FA newbies and a squadron listing.
Airbase Assault- Extras Newbies Resources A site with information regarding Air Base Assault missions in Fighters Anthology.
Alpha Check A site with Fighters Anthology missions and other flight simulation resources.
ATFS Geoff's Fighters Anthology Site A page with missions, links, and tips for Fighters Anthology.
Fighters Anthology Link Center A site where users can submit links to Fighters Anthology sites.
Fighters Anthology Mission Extender A program that allows quick and easy editing of aircraft weapon loads in pro missions.
Fighters Anthology Resource Area A page with libs, tips, unusual aircraft and weapons, etc.
FlightsimHQ A site with links to various other Fighters Anthology sites.
Gadget's Fighters Anthology Home Page A page with toolkit help, a beginners section, links, etc.
Koss's Combat Flight Sim Center A site with tips, downloads, a board, links, etc. for FA.
Napster's Realm of Flight Sims Site with FA missions, libraries, and other flightsim topics.
Sierra Mike's Fighters Anthology Page A page with screenshots, downloads, and links for Fighters Anthology.
The Virtual United Nations A resource for Fighters Anthology players with multiplayer tips and custom missions.
Wolfrat's Fighters Anthology Page A site with libs, links, utilities, etc.

Custom Fighters Anthology Libraries
Many of these sites also have Fighters Anthology resources but they specifically have custom libs.

Eburger's Fighters Anthology Page Home page for the NAM-ELH libs, Vietnam maps, and extensive mission sets.
Global Tribunal Libs Site of the GT lib which overhauls FA, and has extensively edited flight models.
Iceman's Jane's Air Combat Sims Site The Iceman libs, missions, tips, etc.
Juno's ATF/NATO/ATFG/FA Page Site with libs, campaigns, missions, tips, etc.
Kallisti! Site with the East German lib, and the Inter-German war 1988 library and missions.
Red Bear's Airfield Version 2.5 A page housing several libraries and missions for FA, including some fictional universe libs. See also the Group.
Shape-up Libs Resource Center A site with libraries that improve and import Jane's simulations shapes.
The Fighters Anthology Page Rick R. Mortis's site with his Flopdog McSporran and Panama canal libraries, and custom missions.
VNFAWING.COM Home of the FA Futures library as well as full support for other simulations.
Wrench's ATFG/FA Toolbox Wrench's site with libs, missions, tips, etc.


7th VTFS Terminators A squadron that flies Figthers Anthology.
42nd Most Dangerous Pilots A multi-simulation virtual squadron that flies Fighters Anthology.
77th VTFS Gamblers A multi-simulation squadron that has been in operation since 1998.
127. LAE "VITEZOVI" Site of a Yugoslavian Fighters Anthology squadron.
641st Regiment Main Page The Fighters Anthology player formerly known as Sergei Lipinski's site with the frozen Project: Russia and a message board.
Most Dangerous Pilots A virtual squadron that flies Fighters Anthology.
The Shadow Squadron A squadron that flies Red Bear's Project FTRON custom library.

Other Flight Simulator Links

ATF Vintage This site is a repository for ATF, NATO Fighters, and ATF Gold files. A subscription-based site with news, downloads, and forums about simulations and strategy games. - The Simulation Community's Headquarters A site with news, downloads, and forums about simulations.
VNFAWING.COM Home of the FA Futures library and full support for other simulations.

Aviation and Military Links

International Aviation A site chronicling air-to-air action since World War II, as well as articles on aircraft and conflicts.
A site with daily aerospace news articles.
Air Force Technology Information on aircraft, projects, and companies.
Aviation Now Aviation Week and Space Technology's site, with aviation and space news.
Center for Defence Information Site with military and conflict information. A site with news and information on the F-111 Aardvark.
Federation of American Scientists Alot of information on international nuclear forces, organization, and doctrine, general military equipment, and conflicts.
Fighter Tactics Academy Information on fighter aircraft, tactics, events, etc., with Easy Tartar's excellent MiG-29 and Su-30/32/34/35/37 papers.
Flug Revue An international aerospace online magazine, with military aircraft data in the Gallery section.
Jane's Information Group Worldwide military and geopolitics intelligence source.
Scramble on the Web A aviation site with orders of battle and information pertaining to airforces in its military avation section.
Dark Matter: Swedish (and worldwide) military aviation Excellent site about Swedish military aviation, and good aviation data tables.

United States Aviation

Air Force Link The U.S. Air Force's official page, with excellent pictures.
Joe Baugher's Encyclopedia of American Military Aircraft One of the best and most comprehensive sources for many U.S. military aircraft.
US Military Aviation Designation Systems A site with extensive listings and information pertaining to designations of aircraft, weapons, missiles, projects, equipment, etc.

Russian Aviation

Russian Aviation Page A site with information, pictures, and movies of Russian Aviation.
Russian Aviation References A site with information on the variants of the Su-27 Flanker, modeling the Flanker variants, and pictures of other Russian aircraft at museums.
Venik's Aviation Resource for international aviation, especially Russian, with features on several conflicts. A site with information on Russian missile systems and space launchers. Site with alot of good information on Russian aviation, including OKBs, weaponry, regiments, etc.

Other Nation-Oriented Aviation

Chinese Military Aviation A site with alot of updated information on Chinese aircraft, ships, submarines, and a links section.
Indian Air Force [Bharatiya Vayu Sena]
A site with information,
Luft '46 Excellent website with information on the Luftwaffe's designs and prototypes that were never finished during WWII.
The Israeli Air Force A site with excellent information on Israel's aircraft, opponents, losses, and missions.
Thunder and Lightnings Good site with information about British military aircraft.

International Military

Army Technology Information on ground vehicles, projects, and companies.
A site detailing the PLA weapons, forces, structure, and history.
Chinese Military Forum A forum for topics on Chinese military matters, where you might be able to get some information.
Haze Gray & Underway An excellent source of information on international navies and naval vessles, US warships and histories, shipbuilding, etc.
Naval Technology Information on naval vessels, projects, and companies.
Russian Navy Weapons Catalog A site with information on Russian naval vessels, aircraft, and missiles.

Miscellaneous Links

Dark Halmut Multimedia A site with software, stock and financial data, and entertainment.
Roger Wilco - free real-time voice chat Roger Wilco - free real-time voice chat
The Horrific House of Hideous Harridans A website with news headlines, products, and special features.
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