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The Main Page News Archive

New Libraries, Missions, and Files Available 11/3/07

Eric L. Howes GT ELH library and missions using this library are now available on the Libraries and Missions pages. Also available is his USNF '97 Shapes library, which contains the shapes from US Navy Fighters '97 which differ from the default shapes in Fighters Anthology. Also, radical_d's FA Map Lib work in progress for manipulation of map files is now available on the Files page.

Forum Database Restored 10/4/07

To fix the problems with posting on the forum, a previous database has been restored. As a result, posts in the month of September have been lost. I apologize for any inconvience. Please let me know if you encounter any further problems.

Final Mission Objects in Lib Format 6/18/07

Click here to download a small lib file which adds the five buildings from Final Mission, and their shapes and destroyed shapes. The OT files are not directly imported from Final Mission, but are equivalent in terms of damage hitpoints and names. The lib can be used directly with Fighters Anthology, or imported into the Toolkit. The buildings will appear in the Pro Mission Creator list as Haneda Terminal, Narita Term. 1, Tokyo Cap, Tokyo Gov, and Tokyo Tower.

USNF Final Mission Objects, USNF 97 Missions Added 6/16/07

Several new missions for USNF 97 provided by Pappy have been added to the USNF and ATF Files page. Additionally, an FA player has sent me files from USNF Final Mission. USNF Final Mission was a version of USNF released in Japan, which contained everything from USNF 97 and added a map of Tokyo Bay, Tokyo specific building shapes such as the Japanese Parliament building and Tokyo Tower, and a new campaign. The zip file I have made available contains PIC and SH files, map files, as well as lib files, and can be directly downloaded here. I have lightly worked on importing the files to Fighters Anthology, but I believe someone with USNF 97 and the USNF 97 Toolkit may have more luck.

Additional Files Available 5/5/07

Several new files have been added to the Files page. Additionally, at the bottom of the page I have made available the USNF, USNF '97, ATF, NATO Fighters, and ATF Gold files and custom libraries which I had on my computer.

Project Sightings 2 4/30/07

A new library called Project Sightings 2 by Orf has been added to the Libraries page. This is a stand alone addition/sequel to the original Project Sightings, which is available on the Missions page. The new library has two missions based on the films The Final Countdown and Independence Day, and modified aircraft textures and special affects for each of the missions.

FA Screen Saver By FETCH 4/13/07

Now available on the Files page is the Fighters Anthology screen saver by FETCH. The screen saver is a slide show of screenshots taken in Fighters Anthology by various players. Also now available on the Missions page is the 27 MB zip file containing all missions available on the page, except for Centurian's WWIII set which is available in its own 27 MB zip file.

New Two Mission Lib Set by Orf 4/6/07

Two new missions by Orf have been added to the Missions page. They are include a custom library and are called Project: Sightings. They deal with military paranormal encounters and contain some unique features.

Two New Canadian Missions 3/21/07

Two new missions have been added to the Missions page. The are called "Desert Cats" and "SAR EX." Both are part of their own library files with new textures for aircraft, ships, and ground objects. In one, the player flies a Canadian CH-113 Labrador helicopter on a SAR mission. The other mission is a CF-188 Hornet strike mission in Operation Desert Storm.

Forum Security Measure 2/26/07

In an attempt to reduce the number of robotic spam registrations on the Zephyr Net forum, the VIP Mod has been installed. This mod requires the user to enter a number when registering a new forum account. The number is currently: 7913

New Website Host 1/1/07

Just in time for the New Year of 2007, the Fighters Anthology Resource Center has kindly been provided with hosting by Josh 'SkyLife' Redwood, webmaster of Therefore, the FARC's new URL is The FARC's forums, "Zephyrnet," will remain at the hosting space kindly provided by CAG Hotshot at VNFAWING.COM. I am presently working on migrating files to the new location. Please update your bookmarks. The Angelfire location will eventually stop being updated. Additionally, I hope to do a modest or major redesign of the site. And I will continue to add content provided by FA players such as Pappy, Ali, and myself, to continue to extend the repository of files and information concerning Jane's Fighters Anthology.

Thanks once again to Josh 'SkyLife' Redwood, thanks again to CAG Hotshot for hosting the forums, and thanks to everyone for contributing to the forums and the site. Happy New Year!

JKPFA 5.0 Beta Available, Less Problems with Zephyrnet Forum 12/6/06

I have released a beta version of my JKPFA lib, tentatively called 5.0 beta. It is the compilation of all the changes I have slowly worked on since I released JKPFA 4.55. Much of the content is far from complete, there are especially unfinished textures. If you would like to see anything added to the library, please email me and I'll see what I can do. The library is available from the Libraries page, or directly here.

Thanks to CAG Hotshot for thinking of a fix for one of the problems with the Fighters Anthology Resource Center Zephyrnet forums. The user list still has some missing members, and there are some problems with certain previous posts. If your username is not on the memberlist, please rejoin.

Problem With New Zephyrnet Forum 11/14/06

There has been a problem with the database importation for the new Fighters Anthology Resource Center Zephyrnet forums. Many users who joined in 2005 and 2006 are not on the memberlist, and their posts do not appear on the board. I will be busy with unrelated work, so it will be a few days before I decide what to do about it. In the mean time, feel free to join the board and post topics, but new topics may not be saved if I load a different database in the future.

New Location for Zephyrnet Forum 11/13/06

A big thank you to CAG Hotshot for providing hosting space and support for new Fighters Anthology Resource Center Zephyrnet forums. They are hosted by the new host for the VNFAWING.COM Flight Sim Development Center, home of the FA Futures modification.

The database has been restored from October 19th 2006, so a few weeks of posts were lost in the transition. Lycos Tripod is still non-functioning and it is unlikely I will restore a later database backup to the new forum.

If you encounter any difficulties or problems with the forums, please email me.

New missions are available on the Missions page, thanks to Pappy.

Important Notice Regarding the Zephyrnet Forum 10/31/06

From Lycos Tripod: "Because of problems with a storage unit, websites with names starting with t, u, v, x, y and z are currently unavailable. Unfortunately, the recovery of these websites may take more than one week."

I may activate an alternate forum.

Further Updates on Missions and Libraries Pages 10/2/06

Thanks to the efforts of Pappy, more missions are now available from the Missions page. And a huge thanks to Ali, for providing a huge amount of files from Centurian's now closed site. There are numerous missions and libraries, as well as a large number of maps and music files available on the Libraries page.

Huge Update on the Missions Page 9/8/06

The Missions page now has dozens of additonal mission sets available for download. A big thank you to Pappy for sending most of them, many of which are several years old, from FA's early days, and even from USNF '97 and ATF. Pappy also provided copies of Centurian's Game Remod lib as well as some other libraries, the links to which were broken. I also looked through my archives and have uploaded some mission sets that should have been available, including Diabolico's historical mission series, Tigermoon's France Campaign, and Centurian's 21.4 MB, 16 theatre, World War III set of campaigns, all with custom libs. I will continue to try to find files on my computer which should be on the libraries and missions pages.

Updating Links 1/5/06

I have uploaded alot of libraries to offsite storage areas and fixed their links on the Libraries page. This is an ongoing effort, to fix every broken link. I also never stopped working with the Toolkit, so I may have a library release sometime in the future.

Ali's World War Iran Lib Beta Available 10/24/05

Ali's beta lib entitled World War Iran is now available from the Libraries page. The library makes most aircraft and weapons more accurate, emphasizing the Imperial Iranian Air Force, Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force, as well as some Israeli and US aircraft and weapons. The lib also adds an updated map of Egypt.

Ontario Map Uploaded 7/22/05

A new version of Ali's Ontario, Canada map is now available from the Libraries page. It is version 1.2, with new textures and airports and city buildings placed throughout the map.

Libraries page Links to Fetch's Libs 6/19/05

The Libraries page has updated links to Fetch's Sabre vs. MiG and Flightline libraries.

Ontario Map Uploaded 8/12/04

Ali's Ontario, Canada map is now available from the Libraries page.

Iraqi Freedom Campaign Updated 8/9/04

The Iraqi Freedom Campaign on the Missions page has been updated with some bugs fixed, and six new missions.

Iraqi Freedom Campaign Available 8/6/04

The Iraqi Freedom Campaign is now available from the Missions page. In the campaign, the player flies as the USAF against Iraq in 2003.

FA Futures 2003 Windows XP Single File Available Again 7/24/04

The link on the Libraries page to FA Futures Korea 2003, Windows XP version, single zip file, is once again working, courtesy of Diabolico's hosting.

Game Remod Version 7 Available 7/3/04

Centurian's Game Remod v7 is now available from the Libraries page. This library updates everything: "Everything is radically different. Weapons, especially, work much better and are much more effective."

Diabolico's Trophy Lib Available 7/1/04

Diabolico's Trophy Lib is now available from the Libraries page. This library updates skins, sound effects, and almost all object. Ships and other vehicles are also given improved attack capabilities.

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